Saturday, January 9, 2010

Vulgar Nastiness

I've recently set my blog to grown-up status so that I can feel at ease when peppering my paragraphs with vulgar nastiness.

Been working tirelessly on videos and what not, and must say that I welcome the challenge of doing it all. From concept to publication, Web 2.0 makes it so easy. Setting up the camera, playing some guitar, transferring the video, designing banners and mashing it all together in the virtual editing suite. Titles and paragraphs.

I must admit though, that I wouldn't consider myself especially business savvy which is why I find great value in the idea of aligning myself with partners of expertise greater than my own in the world of commerce.

I bring this up because I think it remotely possible that I may one day find myself at the helm of a busy production company or something equally as stressful. Since I dabble in all the various elements that go into making video shorts and the somewhat sophisticated work involved in developing a web log network to promote my shit, it will I hope lead me to eventually be in a position to introduce myself as the leading executive authority over company affairs...

So now I'm playing catch up with this online record of my progress through the webwork strands of electrical impulses and peoples' lives! I decided to give my You Tube home page a slicker design, and thinned out my playlist. I imagine that some of my experimental music works might only appeal to other musician types or pot heads? Anyway, I see this whole thing as the ultimate exercise in maintaining an online presence and leaving a portfolio of sorts in your midst. Everything may as well be written in stone, I's some of that experimental music of mine with a cool video accompanying the harsh and cutting guitar music:

Thanks for watching. I've got hours upon hours of footage to work with, and I'm always pushing boundaries and innovating new ways of working with media manipulation software. I'm from the old school of 8mm video tape and dual deck editing machines, but haven't had much exposure time to film. ;) I must say, that working with digital video does make for quicker transfer time... you can chop your media up and recombine it with relative ease. Looped sequences are a breeze. It's like all those would-be writers out there that hardly wrote a word until the advent of the word processor.

I would like to eventually have some more serious hardware interfaces, like a high speed USB transfer device to do the best job possible of rendering analogue sound sources as digital waveforms. I borrowed on from my good friend Mr. Esquire, and was quite impressed by it's performance. I believe I mentioned it in a previous entry somewhere - anyway, it's Roland model UA-101, or the EDIROL High Speed Audio USB transfer device, I think.

Of course I'd like to have some nice traditional analogue recording equipment some day, but for now, I still feel I've only scraped the surface of what can be achieved with some very decent software tools, like Corel Photo Paint 9, Windows Movie Maker, and Audacity. Okay, enough. It just became apparent to me why my blog seems to have a limited appeal... boring!

Okay then. I hope to bring you some exciting news next time. Maybe some neat pictures. Here's one I'll leave you with:

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