Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Dreaming Of UPS

Last week I shared some of my thoughts about the upcoming provincial election. Since I live with my folks, whatever's good for them, by extension, is good for me. I'll just vote for whoever I deem to be the most senior-friendly party. Mr. Swann, leader of the Alberta Liberal Party, appears to be around the same age as my folks.

Cleaning up my bedroom this afternoon, I was surprised to find a mostly smoked joint lodged in the underside of a beer bottle cap, and was momentarily conflicted - my mind rapidly positing questions: what have you got to lose, you've been pot free for months, and what noticeable advantages have manifested as a result of not smoking the stuff?

Before I could talk myself into getting high, I tossed the little bugger into the fireplace and got on with some music, eventually revamping this little tune:

My abundance of free time is truly a blessing. I am extremely grateful that I lead such a peaceful life after a once-over of the Drudge Report. It's war going on out there.

Last night, I had a horrifying nightmare. I was employed full-time as a UPS parcel delivery guy here in my hometown. A fate more cruel I can hardly imagine, as I know first hand what the job entails.

Having endured a stint driving a UPS package car in Calgary over a decade ago, I've resolved to never take employment as a courier dude again. It was boring at the best of times, and nerve wracking at the worst. Interestingly, in the dream I was issued a three wheeled delivery unit and, just now, while surfing for a good image of a UPS truck, I find this:

I had no idea they actually existed! Psufferin' Psuccotash! Maybe I'm psychic?

Anyway, in the dream, I was hours late to a scheduled drop off, and the whole shit show of an alternate reality was mired by overtones of futility and hopelessness.

Right before awakening from this ghoulish hellscape of a circumstance, and much relieved to find myself still fruitfully unemployed, my somnambulant self was aimlessly wandering around a snow covered parking lot with a parcel under my arm, unable to remember even where I'd parked the brown trike.

Finding things to keep myself busy with throughout the day has never been a struggle. I've recently begun working on a new slideshow accompanied talk-radio style program. I try to keep the components fairly basic because it's a considerable amount of legwork involved for just one person: write the script, play all the parts, sync-up the images, working the promotional angles...



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