Saturday, May 10, 2014

Unfair Elections Act?

I just finished reading an article on the CBC website entitled: "Fair Elections Act: 7 things you may not know," written by Laura Payton.

In all fairness, I haven't read the act myself - that's a job for the official opposition - and the opposing views to the act are extraordinarily weak in my opinion.

Most of the argument seems centered around voter identification. All I have to say is that if you can't even manage to go and get yourself so much as a pedestrian "driver's" licence in this land, then your conviction to cast a ballot can't be all that strong to begin with. Proof of identity at the ballot box seems the most obvious and cost effective way for Elections Canada to minimize voter fraud.

As for the issue with muzzling the Chief Electoral Officer - imposing topical limits on what he or she is free to say... who cares! It shouldn't be their job to foster interest in democratic participation anyway. Especially when they're in a position to feasibly insert partisan subversive encouragement or discouragement into their public service messages using tax dollars.

The next federal election will play a pivotal (vote NDP) role in determining the course Canada's future (anyone but conservative) which means that YOUR vote (NDP) counts!

Remember Mr. Subliminal on Saturday Night Live?

Personally, I think anyone who would consider voting for a party other than the Conservative Party of Canada in the next election should reconsider! It's not because I'm especially comfortable, entirely agree with or even fully understand the CPC's track record: their seeming coziness with petrochemical titans, the ultra-pro Israel stance, their meddling in the labour markets. It's more to do with the ramshackle nature of the challenging parties.

I prefer an ultra-pro Israel stance to an anti-Israel stance. I prefer cordial relations with domestic petrochemical enterprise over close ties with competing foreign petrochemical interests. Tinkering with job markets seems better than outright taxing and spending. Pro-life is better than pro-abortion, and democracy, well, who wouldn't agree that despite the inherent inefficiencies, they are far superior to "simple dictatorships". Reasonable incentives for big business... rather than punitive, job destroying, draconian regulations on business. Game of Thrones to The Walking Dead. The Beatles over The Rolling Stones.

The most predominant reason I've encountered from those favouring the Liberal Party is, "down with Harper"... just because. The second most predominant reason has to do with the legalization of marijuana. There seems to be little substance beyond that other than a general underlying frustration among a very special breed of weirdos that view Mr. Harper's Conservative Party, and the voters they represent, as the one unified force preventing Canada from plummeting into a state of lawless anarchy.

At the end of the fiscal year, I see the CPC as the most realistic and pragmatic choice by far. I don't consider myself an authority on the subject, and there's probably much I'm unaware of. If you're reading this and shaking your head because you think I'm missing crucial points or missing the point entirely, please don't hesitate to let me know. I welcome more informed people to alert me to my own naivety or ignorance!

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