If I had my choice of any of the street legal autos these days, I guess the Caterham would be it! Wow! Look at 'em go! My scope of knowledge about auto motives is fairly limited, but I would guess a Caterham Super 7 would retail starting somewhere around the $300k Cdn. region? I wouldn't know, but being that they are carefully hand crafted and all, I would think them to be extraordinarily pricey in the least and would obviously make a prized collector's item as they're custom built with your input. Is $1.2 million closer to what they cost? I'm wasting your time rambling on about it anyway. I don't know how much such an exquisite thing as this superb looking sports car will set one back. What a dream car; apparantly they're available in Canada. Check out the demo video for their updated models.
Though I'll most likely never own a Caterham any time soon, I'd like to change the subject to a couple of newly uploaded videos onto my YouTube channel, as that was the initial purpose I had in mind for the overarching theme for this particular blog; interspersing the video release notes with random and abstract articles isn't a bad idea. Yes, that's what you can expect from this website from now on. A random, topical post with a picture, followed by a random, topical post with a picture and a video discussion. Usually I'm not very rigid in avoiding chaos however, and much like our elected officials, may deviate from the rules I regulated for myself without notice. I think it's a good thing in some instances to have some sort of loose template for projects such as this one. Scanned photo's are fun to work with in various graphics editors (Corel Photo Paint is really groovy) and then sharing them with my favorite audience...So here's a still from a recent video for you all:

Note: Google's Chrome web browser is a really super browser in many respects, and I do like to use it, but Mozilla Firefox, seems more suited to using Blogger. Just struck me now, as I'm about to post a picture; I had trouble moving images using the Blogger posting editor within Chrome's windows last night. Firefox also seems to work more intuitively when resizing the size of the application's window!
Now to get back to the original reason for this blog and talk about my latest video in case anyone was interested. Or not. Just watch it.
Note: You can just click the black and blue seven pointed star icon on the far right to be swept away to my YouTube channel's home page. Feel free to post on the bulletin board if you have anything on your mind. Criticism, whatever.
So yeah...I'm not going to try and force feed you a video tonight. This next piece that I'd like to share, is just a day in the life sort of take. The guitar piece you'll hear throughout, is in fact me playing, and I think it's pretty good gypsy style on my part! (Is it ever windy outside my place! With my windows cracked ever so slightly, it's literally whistling into my apartment! Enjoy!
Though I'll most likely never own a Caterham any time soon, I'd like to change the subject to a couple of newly uploaded videos onto my YouTube channel, as that was the initial purpose I had in mind for the overarching theme for this particular blog; interspersing the video release notes with random and abstract articles isn't a bad idea. Yes, that's what you can expect from this website from now on. A random, topical post with a picture, followed by a random, topical post with a picture and a video discussion. Usually I'm not very rigid in avoiding chaos however, and much like our elected officials, may deviate from the rules I regulated for myself without notice. I think it's a good thing in some instances to have some sort of loose template for projects such as this one. Scanned photo's are fun to work with in various graphics editors (Corel Photo Paint is really groovy) and then sharing them with my favorite audience...So here's a still from a recent video for you all:

Note: Google's Chrome web browser is a really super browser in many respects, and I do like to use it, but Mozilla Firefox, seems more suited to using Blogger. Just struck me now, as I'm about to post a picture; I had trouble moving images using the Blogger posting editor within Chrome's windows last night. Firefox also seems to work more intuitively when resizing the size of the application's window!
Now to get back to the original reason for this blog and talk about my latest video in case anyone was interested. Or not. Just watch it.
Note: You can just click the black and blue seven pointed star icon on the far right to be swept away to my YouTube channel's home page. Feel free to post on the bulletin board if you have anything on your mind. Criticism, whatever.
So yeah...I'm not going to try and force feed you a video tonight. This next piece that I'd like to share, is just a day in the life sort of take. The guitar piece you'll hear throughout, is in fact me playing, and I think it's pretty good gypsy style on my part! (Is it ever windy outside my place! With my windows cracked ever so slightly, it's literally whistling into my apartment! Enjoy!
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