I suppose it hardly matters what I say in this space. No one reads it, do they? Am I trying too hard, or not hard enough in my social networking pursuits. I guess that I don't update things enough to make it worthwhile for serious blog followers. Could it be that the content is lame? I think that I'm a pretty darn good writer, but I'm well aware that I need to post something daily in order to get attention.
Anyway, I'm happy to announce that I've been living my lifelong dream of being relatively obscure, residing in a cramped little bachelor apartment, and not having a job to have to awaken myself for at some uncivilized hour to arrive on time to!
Toiling away at some mundaine thankless occupation in order to help in building someone else's dream seems absurd when all you get out of it is a humiliatingly less than handsome pittance every two weeks. Moreover, it seriously wreaks havoc with my natural bio-ryhtims. The harsh reality of the lot is magnified tenfold when you read the news enough to realize that the various deductions you see on your pay stub are contributing to little more than deceptive money shuffling by corrupt bureaucrats who always seem to be spending the citizenry's hard earned pay on some sort of maligned initiative or futile study.
I hate everything about the modern day workplace routine - the expectations, the co-workers, the boss, the structure, the relentless commercial radio stations jockeying up over produced schlock performed by flash in the pan, overly promoted, passionless musicians.
For many of us, a workjob is just a begrudgingly necessary part of life, and to still fewer, a labor of love. For me, a steady job is something to avoid at any and all cost! Don't get me wrong, I have had some decent jobs working alongside some wonderful people, but for the most part, my employment history has been extremely depressing; keeping in mind however, that the only thing worse than keeping some stupid and unfulfilling work post, is looking for a new one!
@nbalike: 555 cigarettes...never heard of them. Camels, and Marlboro ain't too shabby. I think I've had a pack or two of Newports in my day. It kills me not to be able to afford to enjoy smoking as much as I'd like. For the love of God, some days I'm forced to have to re-roll old ciggy stubs to get my nic fix!
ReplyDeleteI have a highly active mind requiring constant stimulation! I especially enjoy smoking tobacco as a compliment to the fresh ground coffee drinking habit I have; doubly so first thing in the morning to get my mind in gear.
I really would like to cut back to maybe a few cigarelloes per day... more and more I'm noticing the toll it's taking on my respiratory function. Yesterday evening I completely winded myself walking up Bellamy Hill (leads to River Valley Drive I believe (taxitalk would certainly know fo sho)) after smoking a couple of Pom Pom's (cigarelloes) and watching Comedy Central at a friend's place. Man I dig Bob Saget's stand up. He was great in New York.
@Taxitalk: I'm sure you're not alone in expressing that sentiment about the elected representatives amongst us. Keep in mind however, that though the system may swing from benevolence to outright absurdity, we the Citizenry are ultimately responsible for our own governance. I myself hold a valid chauffeur's license and with the required city credentials, maybe you could help me in renting out a shift or two from you sometime.
Gotta keep writing and bringing eyes to the steet level realities of living in Edmonton! I love your style!