There I sat, at the computer upstairs, having a good time making comments on The Facebook and little Twitterer observations, when the whole household wireless Internet suddenly - inexplicably - ceased to work! All this after I had taken the time to carefully reset all the God Damn modem and wireless settings! Maybe I'm just feeling self-important or paranoid, but I tell you, Esteemed Reader, it all seemed just a little bit too selective for my liking, eh?
Once you have over 900 followers on Twitter, you know someone is listening. I acquired my followers organically - that is, I didn't pay for them. They follow me because I'm real, and I tend to tweet whatever's on my mind.
If you were to take the time to check-out who actually follows me, you might be surprised... even I forget celebrities sometimes.
I'm someone who makes a point of periodically blocking any "spiritless husk" accounts that happen to pick-up on my novelty. The bots. Data miners. If someone were to analyse the legitimacy of my followers, the results would likely set me, @moremoreenough, well apart from the herd. I'm a realist. Quality over quantity.
Anyone can mine data. I sometimes keep screen shots of Facebook exchanges. If I were a keener, I'd probably make a point of logging everything - but I'm just an indie Canadian musician. Musician beats data miner!
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