Here are my final thought - the ones I didn't have a chance to share before my rather abrupt disbarment from this little Facebook enclave:

Anyway, at least now there's no doubt in my mind that Kim Leaman doesn't want for his platoon to be reading anything that he himself doesn't point to or first approve of. After all, science is not some silly lexicon of knowledge to be continually built upon through careful observation of a universe in flux, but whatever the handsomely financed lab-coat brigade currently says it is. The world is flat! No further discussion necessary!
Ah well. To be a credential-less lone voice in the wilderness of the new world. I can't help but feel a sense of vindication in being denied the right to further participate in a close-minded back-scratching forum.
I understand the frustration of having your only basket of eggs stolen. You bank all your hopes and dreams on a single theory with the potential to create a paradigm shift in society. In doing so, you scapegoat anyone who might question its validity, and base your whole raison d'etre around this theory - attracting psycophants in the process.
Capitalists then do what they do best - they begin to capitalize on the potency of the movement as an opportunity to raise leverage against their fellow capitalist competitors. They will fan the flames of dissent using polarizing divide and conquor strategies: poor people are easily manipulated into embracing socialist ideals fostered by capitalists: "If you're poor," says the oil cartel funded think-tank, "it's because those wealthy oilmen are getting rich by raping your planet."
Duh... gee! I guess they must be right! I knew it must've been something other than my poor grades in school and my inability to put down the PS3 controller!
The oil cartel funded think-tanks aren't staffed by disenfranchised drop-outs, but by academics and trust-fundees. These rich kids know they can rally support for 'the cause' from the ranks of the "it's all good" crowd. The kids who weren't present in class when the introduction to the computation of partial differentials was being taught.
Then along comes a modern-day Einstien (maybe a journalist with a good mind for numbers, or an amateur scientist who's main gig is working in a tire shop) without any affiliations -someone who doesn't care what either side thinks. Someone who just has an enduring passion for the truth, and can plainly see that the data of the week doesn't quite add-up right.
Like the ancient Greeks who ascertained atomic theory using philosophy (see brain) - over a millennium before the advent of electron microscopes, our modern day Einstein, most inadvertently and nonchalantly pokes a few holes in the thin fabric of the latest 'settled' argument. Not because he's vindictive or hates the whales, but because the math is obviously contrived and false.
Whoops! That can't be right, Einstein! We have 4000 lab-coats with paper credentials who would beg to differ (because we pay their mortgages) with your "tire man" truth! We can't afford to have something as unprofitable as honest scientific reasoning throwing a wrench into our plans to build a profit extraction machine!
So there you have it folks. The essence of climate scaremongering science. A pawn on the chessboard only moves in one direction!
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