I love Edmonton. I love the people of Edmonton. I really love where I live, and the city has been amazingly good to me over the years. Suffice it to say, I love attention- positive attention that is, and enjoy making a spectacle of myself. I have a serious affinity for booze, and will drink like a fish and party like a sailor any time that opportunity rears it's neutral head. As much as I enjoy life sober, I'm truly a hammerheaded individual, and it can be exceedingly difficult for a man like myself to say no to beer, liquor, or wine.
While I'm generally a nice, happy and caring person, there's still, there's things that genuinely piss me off. Like anyone else, I can get mad when somebody steps on my toes, and I love nothing more than to vent my frustrations and share my observances with the public in this age of information. You want info? I got info!
Today was a bit of a strange day. It was late in the morning, and I was sitting outside the Bistro 112 sipping a dark, French roasted coffee with some honey and cream. Not just one, but two friends did I see. I'll just call them "D." and "S." 'D' & 'S' both just landed themselves new jobs in two different restaurants, restaurants which shall remain unnamed- to protect both the business, and my two friends' identities. Good for them. I firmly believe it's important, as well as lawful to protect people's personal and private information, but there are times however, when a situation calls for some sort of action, and when somebody is stalking me, I feel perfectly well justified to plaster their information all over the web. If you're keen to follow me around in your burgundy coloured Ford "Aerostar" van and watch me, than don't be surprised if I take your license plate number and a few photos. Really, it's the least I can do for someone who's considerate enough to follow me around throughout the day. Is this your van?
Ordinarily, I take the effort to ensure that no vehicle's license plates are ever showing in my pictures, but in this case I'd like to make an exception. Alberta "SDA 751," I'd like to share our new relationship with the world, and invite you to feel free to approach me anytime and tell me why you're so fascinated with me. Don't be bashful now!
Not long after taking that boring little snapshot above, I made some eggs and toast and was about to mentally prepare for writing this little write-up. In Edmonton, as well as most of Alberta, I think, you basically have two choices for telephone, cable, and Internet connection services: Shaw & Telus.
Gosh, it must've been about fifteen years since Telus took over the telephone reigns from Alberta Government Telephones (A.G.T.), and the Shaw family have been stringing coaxial cables up and down the prairies for decades.
Today, mere minutes before writing this, a SHAW cable truck rolled up to my kitchen window, and here's what I saw:
What you're seeing in the image above, are the boots of the cable guy through a small glass window in the uppermost half of one of the rear entrances to my building. What kind of stupid git is so stupid as to position his ladder right in front of a doorway that could potentially swing open at any time? Seriously! We're both lucky I, or one of the other 200 or so residents here didn't come barreling out that back without looking first. I mean, open the fucking door or have a spotter or something, guys.
Not only did I see a serious oversight in the safety department, this cable guy from Shaw also made a point of filling my kitchen with diesel exhaust from his pick-up truck for about five or six minutes. Next time, don't start your engine until you're ready to leave the premises please? My dogs happen to be asthmatic, alright? Sheesh! I didn't get past Shaw's automated voice menus to complain, but here's what I would've said: (coming soon)
Have a great night, folks!
Today was a bit of a strange day. It was late in the morning, and I was sitting outside the Bistro 112 sipping a dark, French roasted coffee with some honey and cream. Not just one, but two friends did I see. I'll just call them "D." and "S." 'D' & 'S' both just landed themselves new jobs in two different restaurants, restaurants which shall remain unnamed- to protect both the business, and my two friends' identities. Good for them. I firmly believe it's important, as well as lawful to protect people's personal and private information, but there are times however, when a situation calls for some sort of action, and when somebody is stalking me, I feel perfectly well justified to plaster their information all over the web. If you're keen to follow me around in your burgundy coloured Ford "Aerostar" van and watch me, than don't be surprised if I take your license plate number and a few photos. Really, it's the least I can do for someone who's considerate enough to follow me around throughout the day. Is this your van?
Not long after taking that boring little snapshot above, I made some eggs and toast and was about to mentally prepare for writing this little write-up. In Edmonton, as well as most of Alberta, I think, you basically have two choices for telephone, cable, and Internet connection services: Shaw & Telus.
Gosh, it must've been about fifteen years since Telus took over the telephone reigns from Alberta Government Telephones (A.G.T.), and the Shaw family have been stringing coaxial cables up and down the prairies for decades.
Today, mere minutes before writing this, a SHAW cable truck rolled up to my kitchen window, and here's what I saw:
What you're seeing in the image above, are the boots of the cable guy through a small glass window in the uppermost half of one of the rear entrances to my building. What kind of stupid git is so stupid as to position his ladder right in front of a doorway that could potentially swing open at any time? Seriously! We're both lucky I, or one of the other 200 or so residents here didn't come barreling out that back without looking first. I mean, open the fucking door or have a spotter or something, guys.
Not only did I see a serious oversight in the safety department, this cable guy from Shaw also made a point of filling my kitchen with diesel exhaust from his pick-up truck for about five or six minutes. Next time, don't start your engine until you're ready to leave the premises please? My dogs happen to be asthmatic, alright? Sheesh! I didn't get past Shaw's automated voice menus to complain, but here's what I would've said: (coming soon)
Have a great night, folks!
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