It's no secret to my close friends that I'm obsessed with current affairs and spend a great deal of time doing things like listening to conservative talk radio while perusing the mainstream media via cyberspace. Often times when my chums call to ask what I'm up to, the answer is: I'm seeking out the prevailing winds of public opinion on the Internet from the sanctuary that is my walk-in-closet-office, or maybe working on some writing of my own. While I'm now trying my best to focus this blog more on my artistic pursuits, the call to decry the overwhelming ignorance and astonishing hypocrisy so frighteningly prevalent in North American society these days often wins over. There are some instances, Dear Reader, that I hear a media tidbit and simply cannot shake the compulsion to voice my own opinions about the escalating stupidity of people in general.
"You do support freedom of speech, right?"
"Yes, but...."
There are no "ifs", "ands", or "buts" when it comes to freedom of speech, folks. I think I've touched on this before, and nothing spells hypocrisy like someone trying to impose conditions to a concept like freedom of expression. The key word here is freedom. Slanderous attacks are one thing, but either you have freedom of expression and freedom of speech, or, you have a state of censorship. It's really that simple.
We should hope that anyone making any statement in public would demonstrate enough sensibility to exercise at least a modicum of prudence and decency, but as we know, not everyone measures their words as carefully as a bought politician. Still, if we as a society are to see it fair to impose limits on something as benign as say, the level of vulgarity in someone's words, might this not prevent certain people from expressing the true nature of their beliefs in the court of public opinion? In other words, the mere fact that someone's at a lack for appropriate and polite adjectives doesn't necessarily invalidate their concerns. We're all adults and should be quite capable of critical thinking, so leave the idiots and hate mongering fools among us to expose themselves as such. I'm a grown-up and I'll decide who and what I deem worthy or not of listening to, and I firmly believe that everyone should in the least retain the basic right to have their say.
If for any reason you ever feel inclined to spend some time mingling with the dumbest of dumb-dumb dummies in the land, might I suggest you go and spend a little time at any college campus in whatever city of the United States. The wrongheaded thinking of the typical, almost invariably leftist-thinking college student is completely bewildering to anyone capable of even the simplest mental acrobatics. I can't help but to LOL over how fucked these self-entitled brainwashing victims are going to be once they collect their useless diplomas and have to contend with the real world under their self-imposed mountain of personal debt. My attention was drawn to a particular website after hearing its' founder interviewed on the Charles Adler Show this morning- please check out the following clip. It effectively exposes the sort of compartmentalized and hypocritical thinking you're likely to encounter when speaking with those of us who are in pursuit of "higher learning" these days:
Since I rarely bother too much with mainstream media these days, I haven't really formed much of an opinion about this Glenn Beck fellow, but after watching the above video, it's pretty obvious to me that the man has effectively entrenched himself as the premier whipping boy to more than a few of the brainless, welfare collecting university bums out there. I'll bet most of these "academics" are more familiar with the television series Friends than they are with Arthur Conan Doyle or Ernest Hemmingway.
"You do support freedom of speech, right?"
"Yes, but...."
There are no "ifs", "ands", or "buts" when it comes to freedom of speech, folks. I think I've touched on this before, and nothing spells hypocrisy like someone trying to impose conditions to a concept like freedom of expression. The key word here is freedom. Slanderous attacks are one thing, but either you have freedom of expression and freedom of speech, or, you have a state of censorship. It's really that simple.
If for any reason you ever feel inclined to spend some time mingling with the dumbest of dumb-dumb dummies in the land, might I suggest you go and spend a little time at any college campus in whatever city of the United States. The wrongheaded thinking of the typical, almost invariably leftist-thinking college student is completely bewildering to anyone capable of even the simplest mental acrobatics. I can't help but to LOL over how fucked these self-entitled brainwashing victims are going to be once they collect their useless diplomas and have to contend with the real world under their self-imposed mountain of personal debt. My attention was drawn to a particular website after hearing its' founder interviewed on the Charles Adler Show this morning- please check out the following clip. It effectively exposes the sort of compartmentalized and hypocritical thinking you're likely to encounter when speaking with those of us who are in pursuit of "higher learning" these days:
Since I rarely bother too much with mainstream media these days, I haven't really formed much of an opinion about this Glenn Beck fellow, but after watching the above video, it's pretty obvious to me that the man has effectively entrenched himself as the premier whipping boy to more than a few of the brainless, welfare collecting university bums out there. I'll bet most of these "academics" are more familiar with the television series Friends than they are with Arthur Conan Doyle or Ernest Hemmingway.
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