Riots in the U.K. I preferred anarchy? Did someone already tweet that? Anyhow, I think this time round the kids might not be all right after all. It's difficult to say whether it was all orchestrated from behind the curtain or not, but I would suspect that Europe has certainly reached a boiling point of sorts, and I believe what we're seeing are conditions promulgating out of years of socialistic pressures to achieve some unseen utopia vs. Imperialistic reasoning? I don't know... I just have to agree with David Cameron in that it's pure criminality and the spoiled little thugs are only making things worse for everyone. I can't imagine setting fires in anyone's neighbourhood, and this pure, unadulterated madness in the streets can only be indicative of frustrations that stem from a perceived inequality.
Since I'm a writer, and far too lazy to be much good to anyone as a serious journalist, I won't go looking up transcripts and quote verbatim the girl from the interview I heard on the radio this morning. I will instead just tell you that this one particular young riot participant harboured an implicit hostility seemingly aimed at whoever she perceived to be, “the rich people.” It doesn't surprise me that her thinking is so misaligned, given the state of grade schooling throughout the western world nowadays and the negative permeations it's endured from bad politics, but there you have it folks. This girl obviously either doesn't care, or does not comprehend the difference between someone who is rich and someone who's let's say, a moderately affluent member of the upper-middle class running a shop on a busy street?
Get back to your fatherless children, you little hussy of a cow, looting and rioting! And hey! All you so called “youths” out there... please don't paint all us “whites” with the same brush, dig? Youngsters of the world, I should say the last thing we need is a bloody race war when the good folks among us have come so far working together, living together, and building friendships. Canada is not perfect by any means and our relatively safe and peaceful cities are sometimes shaken by violence within certain identifiably ethnic enclaves, but it's still perhaps one of the better examples of ever elevating levels of immigration without ghettoizing segregation?
Democrat... Republican...The Fed... Oh my! Being a citizen of the country considered to be the U.S.A.'s closest trading partner and military ally, I of course take great concern in developments south of our border. All that I'll say on the subject of current affairs in the U.S. is that I would have to side with Independent Libertarians like Ron Paul over any so called Democrat or Republican. Whether they're cognizant of it or not, it should by now be bleedingly obvious that the "free world's" "elected" leaders have all been bought, and the congress is now no better than a collection of servile eunuchs? Anyway, I'd nominate this guy for most impassioned rant of the year award. I don't claim to know the big picture and I wouldn't claim to know how to begin to solve economic upheaval around the world, but I do know that this is some of the most refreshingly honest stuff I've heard in mainstream media for some time:
Dylan Ratigan... the man!
Closer to home, in my own little city of Edmonton, our Mayor has been busy discussing an approach with our new chief of police to deal with escalating levels of violent crime on our streets- as evidenced by nearly three dozen murders so far this year while Alberta's other big city has seen hardly a twelfth of our homicide numbers so far, it should warrant some pause for though about the issue. It's heartbreaking and terrifying to see such bloodshed in a place where I think that traditionally, most people seem to get along well enough without succinctly offing each other, so I hope whatever they come up with for a plan isn't so stupid that it only serves to hinder law abiding citizens and add fuel to the fire. I've witnessed some pretty seriously baffling projects and ridiculous policy making attempts in this here municipality over the years, and I know for a fact that many good folks who concern themselves with the direction of governmental ongoings would tend to agree wholeheartedly with me on the subject of political "miscreantism" over the last several years.
Well, Dear Reader, I've touched on a few things already, and while there's more I'd like to ramble on about, my time is indeed running out for now. As I have other obligations to attend to, I'll leave you with a bit of compu-talk / personal stuff, and I think we can just call this a finished article. After my work-job I'll probably take the dogs for a nice long stroll and snap some more digi-pics from around the hood. So long, and God Bless!
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