Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Big Doggies Still Smiling After Ten Years

Alpha Dominant Female Dog.
Is that my favorite dog smiling for my camera? Yes it is! Yes it is!  I've been her dog-sitter for about six years now. literally let my living room go to the dogs as it were, so I'm sure they're comfortable and all, but I know they miss having their own back yard... I think my apartment's a bit gloomy for them.

Grammatical Inexactitudes

Just look at the pair of them!
More than several and a few days ago, one of the guys I know from upstairs came nearly barging into my place with a great big LCD monitor. I haven't measured it, but it's got to be at least thirty-two inches. This dynamic duo had rescued it from the dumpster out back only a couple of days prior, only to be summarily instructed by the woman of said guy's apartment to dispense with the thing pronto. They must have thought, “I bet 'moremoreenough' would love to have this... he doesn't have enough screens in his spacious 450 square-foot bachelor pad. All's he's got is one 28” Sharp and one RCA 22” television set, an Acer 32” flat panel LCD monitor, an 18” hp LCD computer monitor, and a Daewoo 13” CRT computer monitor. 

"What this manchild really needs more than anything right now is this enormous wall-mountable jumbo screen to stare at all day long!”

I once tried for a short time to do my computing tasks while sitting before the big 32” Acer unit one of my buddies gave me, and the intensity of the radiation made the wearing of sunglasses appropriate. It was on the verge of nearly burning out my retinas for goodness' sake! Had I a wireless keyboard, I suppose I could've sat further back, but whatever.

I'm not even sure if this newly acquired LCD screen unit even works – it's a SONY with a very wide screen and it's gotta weigh in at least about 120 lbs.
If it does work, maybe one day I could mount this hefty steel framed digital view-screen to the underside of the canopied Murphy bed I plan on one day getting around to getting for my quaint little troll cave downtown. When the bed is in the stow position, the screen will be visible. When the bed is horizontal, a canopy mounted projector will then be aimed at the opposing wall, thus allowing movies in bed – either alone, or with some hot random broad who's really hott.Or maybe I could just trade it for some beer.

Frying--up some slim flapjacks for dinner on a convex frying "pan" designed, I think, for producing crêpes. Misshapen as these batter cakes turned out to be, they were indeed tasty little sea urchins, they were! Arrrrg!

A tome of such megalithic exactitude that any publishing house would be wise to include in their own reference library is The Chicago Manual of Style, and no, it will not tell you anything about how to dress for success in the downtown or how one might conduct themselves when visiting the windy city. This is a guide to the appropriating stylistic elements on the printed page, and as the back side of the dust cover informs: The new edition of "the definitive writing reference work, revered by scholars, universities, publishers, and editors." -The Bloomsbury Review.
Make good your copy.
As a trained eye or editor has perhaps realized by now, I've barely broken the spine of this edition! I'm sure my own stuff is chalk-full of layout faux-pas and punctuation related no-nos. As it reads on the inside flap at the end, "This revision process has been guided by a set of basic principals: consistency, clarity, literacy, good sense, and good usage, all of them tempered by a respect for the author's individuality of expression." If only Lady Gaga would approach her works with such temperance! I will refer to this University of Chicago Press publication from time to time, but mostly I'm preoccupied with just writing stuff.  I'm often too lazy to even bother inserting links, but I promise to get on it. Links can really add to blog reading experience.
Space-age food creations. Will it stick?

Hey! That's MY line from MY song, "Workjob" from 2009. Guess my shit is all in the public domain?

That's all for now, folks, and thanks for reading. On Sunday I plan to do an article concerning some of my favorite places on the web with lots of links and commentary. Peace-out my niggas!

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