As promised in the previous article, I will share some of my favorite places on Web and other favorite things:
Being a Canadian, I may as well take advantage of our taxpayer funded news website,; a convenient way to get my regional news of the day or watch episodes of Coronation Street as I do each Sunday. So often "oh-so" sensationilstic, and chalk full of hard-hitting non-news stories, the CBC news coverage is quite often inappropriately sketchy, and I think, more often than not, their reports are merely regurgitated stories from outside competing sources.
A Canadian institution, the CBC where I get MY scoop on "only what matters to me." Traditionally a marxist hotbed that panders to the Liberal Party of Canada, the opinions of many of those expressed by it's membership - the online peanut gallery, (those who actually consider the CBC to be a highly credible news source) are the types of views I tend to find myself at complete and absolute odds with. There's certainly no lack of brainwashed lunatics and moonbats spewing wrongheaded nonsense and attacking any comments exhibiting even a trace of pragmatism or rationale.
In the spirit of always being 100% politically correct, our national news broadcaster washes it's hands of liability issues by farming out the moderation of it's members' comments to an outside party. This party is known simply as, "ICUC", and it's website address is:
Try offering a rational stance on anything to do with South Africa, for example, and you might see the following on your home page:
First they publish my comment for anyone and their dog to see, and then they summarily pull it off? What on earth might I have wrote that the general populace shouldn't be allowed to see for themselves according to ICUC? Let me assure you, dear reader, while this isn't always the case with me, my words in this instance were most certainly without vulgarity or malice, but they obviously triggered some hack clerk's spidey-senses. I don't know their exact mandate, but there's definately a fishy smell to it.
Oh well. You can't please everyone all the time, but you CAN check out one of my favorite web personalities, author, political activist and ever more popular radio talk show host, Alex Jones, who I find to be a refreshingly sarcastic and cynical counterpoint to the mainstream media.
That's all the time I have for now, folks, so I'll say goodnight, and leave you with one of my favorite songs as of late... have a great night, dear reader!