Saturday, May 25, 2013

It'll Never Happen To Us

The good people who built this country need to get serious about defending it from the growing ranks of useless trashbags populating the streets of this once relatively safe land.
Seems some old folks are oblivious to the desperation lurking around every corner in today's society. For the cost of a dog house and some table scraps, you've got an effective security system in the form of a German Shepherd or Rottweiler. A peephole at the front porch might have allowed this nice couple to see that it wasn’t their son coming to visit, but a strange miscreant having no business being on their property.

It's really too bad, but peaceful Canadians need to get vigilante. These kinds of cowardly crimes will only escalate until a strong message is sent... in the form of criminal brains being splattered by shotgun wielding grandmothers, or the legs and necks of desperate piece of pukes getting ripped apart by family pets. 

Legislators need to step-up and table bills that will help to indemnify property owners who are simply defending all that they have worked a lifetime for. The justice system doesn't seem to be concerned enough with creating disincentives. In Canada, we've seen punitive measures exacted against good people simply because they weren't willing to lie down like victims and let some group of fuck-sacks throw firebombs around their back yard. These types of repeat offenders seem to like being in prison a little too much. I say it's high time we let Smith & Wesson reside on the bench!  

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