Hey gang. Gonna try and bring it, as Brian Adams once sang, straight from the heart! I'm going to play a tape of Duran Duran before continuing this post. Dance into the fire! They use the line, "...a view to a kill". My buddy Rob records selections from his vinyl collection onto cassettes and sometimes leaves me one to listen to. The reproductions could be better, but they're improving. Played my Queen II cassette tape a hundred times today.
So yeah. Really weird shit's been happening around my life lately. I just assume that there's people stalking me at this point. While walking the dogs, I startled a congregation of "Sheriffs" hanging around on the outskirts of the "ledge" grounds, here in my city. While I don't find it strange that a bunch of peace officers, or whatever they're called, would be hanging out, chatting in Arabic in the parking lot of a provincial research building, I did find it strange though, that they scattered upon my arrival on the scene -I did have a couple of big dogs with me. I know that line of work can be boring at times, but if I were charged with the security of our provincial lands, I think I might at least ask some perfunctory or at least friendly questions of some dude who comes out of the bushes with a couple dogs at two in the morning.
I made a post on the CBC about how whether or not you work for your car, or if your car works for you. Basically, I said, hey, get out and smell the flowers while they're in bloom. You can love your car without living such a car-centric life in other words.

Soon after making that post and logging out, I took the dogs down to the legislature grounds on my way across the downtown. Low and behold, there were a couple of kids, a boy and a girl, both nice looking, sitting, on benches lining the walkway running easterly on the north edge of the grounds - sitting across from one another, and the boy was twirling a purple daisy in his hand. I'm not making this up; which I say because I know it must sound like some weird dream to some of you. But I'm a fairly rational guy, and it did seem strangely coincidental that some random kid was twirling a flower and watching me as I passed him by, mere minutes after submitting a post to the CBC suggesting that commuters take some time to smell the flowers. I just happen to be the type of person who attunes himself to the holistic reality of our lives.
Am I just attracted to the notion of being notorious? Why am I so insistent on making You Tube videos? I think I just want to attract like minded people. Get some good dialogue going. Taxi Talk and Cable Guy. My beloved followers, I thank you for lending an ear. Up for a barbeque this weekend? Bring some chicken and some booze...I'll take care of the rest!
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