Hi folks! So hardly a fortnight had passed since returning the two lovely Belgian dogs to their owners after two weeks of looking after them, and in comes a request to cat sit for Suzie, my little Calico companion. Last night, I let her venture around the hallway of the northeast 'wing' of my building. She's really a sweet little cat with big innocent looking yellow eyes...adorable.
The other day, I wanted to pose for a photograph of myself with the two shepherd dogs on the steps of the Bowker building - the Province's Department of Justice headquarters, I think. Anyway, my drunken fool of a friend, as you'll see, can't even be trusted to take a half decent picture, even with my simple to use digital camera. I mean, you can't even make out the dogs, never mind my face. I don't mean to imply that I'm the penultimate photographer or anything, but come on! I at least would have taken a few close-ups and maybe asked the subject to move around a little for better lighting.
What a boob this friend of mine can be...I know I sound harsh, but it's as though I have to tell him everything in implicit detail and babysit him whenever he's drunk. I mean, just look at his 'expert eye'. He took four separate shots, and each one stinks worse than the previous one.
"Did you get a good one, Damien?", I asked of him after posing.
"Oh yeah! (I made sure to obfuscate the subject in order to get the detail of every last stairs leading up to the entrance) Got some good ones there!"
A five year old could have taken a better photo while playing a Nintendo DS with the other hand.
Soon after the photo shoot, while en route to my employer's place, he seemingly couldn't wait the five minutes to get to the safety of my friend's place to crack open a beer in a legal fashion. Oh no, he was insisting he do it in plain view, in the middle of the afternoon while strolling through the Legislature grounds. I know - just plain moronic. I mean, I'm all for more personal freedoms, and see nothing wrong with sipping an alcoholic beverage in public on a hot day. You just need to exercise some discretion and try to do it in a low-key courteous manner. But this guy will pound back a can, piss in the nearest bush, and throw the can on the ground - the type of dude that laws prohibiting drinking in public exist for in the first place.
It was akin to when Kumar decides to activate the bong in the airplane's bathroom in Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay. Not seconds after denying him his 'baby's bottle', did a Sheriff's patrol unit roll by. Thank the good lord I was in possession of the sack of beer, otherwise, I'm sure we would've been hassled. I almost slapped my friend for not listening to my voice of reason, and his whining like a child because I wanted to avoid having the beer confiscated nearly earned him a backhand. He should have kissed my feet and admitted that I know what's best for him. I don't want my friends getting busted for nothing, you know?
Even later on, he began to annoy me so much, that I made off with his bicycle, and drove it out of sight, just to get him worried. He was nowhere to be seen after I circled back to return it to him. Since I wasn't too far from his place, I decided I may as well ride the thing to get myself a cigar before bringing it back to his place and locking it to a railing.
Here is my first video, I think, starring someone other than myself. The girls featured in this production call themselves, "Gretna Green", I suppose after the locale of some famed elopement friendly chapel in Scotland.
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