If you check this blog out from time to time, you've probably noticed there's not a lot of rhyme nor reason to it. Sometimes I write facetious fiction, sometimes I promote my Soundclown channel or post an impromptu poem I've written. Tonight I'll write from the heart, and share my lack of opinions regarding the next provincial election and the candidates running for the coveted $230K salary and scandalous spending potential.
I really have no idea who to vote for in the next provincial election. Rachel, Jim, Greg, Brian, David, or what's her name? They're all more or less the same lawyer at the end of the day. Cautious. Groomed. PoliSci degree wielding public figures. Career politicians I seem to have very little in common with apart from being a heterosexual Christian.
All the runners do seem decent and capable enough in my estimation. I know that's simplistic and intellectually lazy, and I suppose having bulletproof optics has always pretty much been a prerequisite for senior governmental roles in Canada... it's just that news travels so fast these days. One little skeleton in the closet and it's "gonna start spending more time with the family" time?
That's the stuff that interests me far more than the person running. The grit. Who's managing the campaign? Who's behind the strategy? Some of the impulsive statements I've made online would quickly sink a fellow like me before I even got out of the gate... presuming I ever got it in my head to run for some elected post. My resume looks something like this:
Graduated From High School...
At least I have no delusions about the unlikelihood of standing a hope in hell in that arena. Regardless, I think it'd be a far more fascinating experience just to be a presence in a major candidate's war room some day. A speech writer or a dirt digger or something. Being the person at the helm seems like an exercise in self-flagellation. The constant scrutiny must be brutal at best. I'd probably hit the bottle pretty hard after the first bad press release.
As for the figures vying to represent the constituency in which I reside, I can't even be bothered to dig into their backgrounds much. The PC candidate also happens to bethe mayor of the 'city' I live in. His strongest opponent, running under the Wildrose Party banner, runs a local accounting practice. I like numbers people. They tend to view things realistically at least, but if they're dishonest, they also have the smarts to cook books.
I really have no idea who to vote for in the next provincial election. Rachel, Jim, Greg, Brian, David, or what's her name? They're all more or less the same lawyer at the end of the day. Cautious. Groomed. PoliSci degree wielding public figures. Career politicians I seem to have very little in common with apart from being a heterosexual Christian.
That's the stuff that interests me far more than the person running. The grit. Who's managing the campaign? Who's behind the strategy? Some of the impulsive statements I've made online would quickly sink a fellow like me before I even got out of the gate... presuming I ever got it in my head to run for some elected post. My resume looks something like this:
Graduated From High School...
At least I have no delusions about the unlikelihood of standing a hope in hell in that arena. Regardless, I think it'd be a far more fascinating experience just to be a presence in a major candidate's war room some day. A speech writer or a dirt digger or something. Being the person at the helm seems like an exercise in self-flagellation. The constant scrutiny must be brutal at best. I'd probably hit the bottle pretty hard after the first bad press release.
As for the figures vying to represent the constituency in which I reside, I can't even be bothered to dig into their backgrounds much. The PC candidate also happens to bethe mayor of the 'city' I live in. His strongest opponent, running under the Wildrose Party banner, runs a local accounting practice. I like numbers people. They tend to view things realistically at least, but if they're dishonest, they also have the smarts to cook books.
I'm beginning to believe that Canada and all her Crowns (provinces) are now effectively under the control of a corporate oligarchy anyway. I view the democratic process as little more than a ballet staged to maintain the illusion of choice. Whoever does win will only have to answer to the ever present shadow government - the financiers, conglomerates, emirates, and entities looming behind a facade of tradition and importance. And then be the target of the people's ire for being stonewalled.
Pomp and ceremony.
Alberta is running deficits, and the public service isn't happy with their lot. Are they ever? I don't care about teachers salaries, nurses' workloads, or file clerks' perks. I know food prices will go up along with student-teacher ratios, and pitchforks will come out when municipalities realize that they're powerless to contravene the new rules outlined by the masters of the global playing field.
One prediction I've made is that the PCs are going to wheel-in electronic voting machines for the vote if they think there's even a slim chance they won't see a thirteenth consecutive majority.
Vote? Why bother, brother!
I'll leave you with this.
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