Saturday, July 13, 2013

Self-Publishing can be a bitch. I like to self-publish because of the inherent exclusivity
of doing so. I like everything locked-down reasonably well if possible. Allowing yourself to rely upon too many 3rd parties for your operations can leave you vulnerable when the going gets rough. At least, that's the crux of my own business acumen.

Calculated gambling. That's what business is. The dollar cost of Virtual space on the web is nothing compared with maintaining a physical premises for your operations. I wouldn't dream of divining along the boulevard for a commercial lease on studio space without first having a strong, plausible game plan decided upon, and plenty of reserve capital for the inevitable overlooked expenses that will surely arise over time as it's cheaper in the long-run to pay the piper up front, rather than have a reputation for incurring expenses.

Ultimately, however, channeling my nerd-energy into this online endeavour has provided me with my very own internationally accessible, virtual kiosk. From behind this digital facade, I get to peddle my exclusive music exclusively. Of course, they're free for you or anyone else to download, and there's more singles on the way!

Personally, I'm surprised by the overall mixing quality of "TTYL BABY" because I made it using a cheap generic condenser mic... the kind that's sitting next to an ten year old IBM laptop. I wrote and recorded the song after a beer-swilling, chain-smoking session. The guitar parts were played on a 12-String Yamaha acoustic, and I overdubbed my own vocals. That's it, so let me know what you think.

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