Sunday, July 28, 2013


I have a good deal of fun on Twitter. As you can see from the screen capture above, My attempt to respond to my challenger is "unauthorized," but I prefer to call it: winning.

Presumably, the fellow blocked me. Why? Why shut-out someone like me who just wants to be argumentative while drinking some vodka-spiked coffee on a beautiful Sunday afternoon? What a pussy! I bet he sits down when he pees. I bet he has an insurmountable debt load and spends his weeks toiling away for some rich banker who hits the sauna at 2:00 p.m. every day. What a wanker!

Maybe he never got his dick sucked in high school. I would better be able to sympathize if I wasn't the guy who didn't nail hotties in my senior year. Block me? I'll put you on the chopping block you piece of piss! 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Scrabble Nights, Scrambled Dayz

My best Scrabble game in years! I go by the moniker, "Astrosmash" and my tiles are the ones with the red font.

"UNENDING" tallied a whopping 80 points in my favour" as it used all seven of my tiles and began on a triple-word-score square.

Good board-spanning action in this game. I like when both players make lengthier words.

Yep. Scrabble.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Self-Publishing can be a bitch. I like to self-publish because of the inherent exclusivity
of doing so. I like everything locked-down reasonably well if possible. Allowing yourself to rely upon too many 3rd parties for your operations can leave you vulnerable when the going gets rough. At least, that's the crux of my own business acumen.

Calculated gambling. That's what business is. The dollar cost of Virtual space on the web is nothing compared with maintaining a physical premises for your operations. I wouldn't dream of divining along the boulevard for a commercial lease on studio space without first having a strong, plausible game plan decided upon, and plenty of reserve capital for the inevitable overlooked expenses that will surely arise over time as it's cheaper in the long-run to pay the piper up front, rather than have a reputation for incurring expenses.

Ultimately, however, channeling my nerd-energy into this online endeavour has provided me with my very own internationally accessible, virtual kiosk. From behind this digital facade, I get to peddle my exclusive music exclusively. Of course, they're free for you or anyone else to download, and there's more singles on the way!

Personally, I'm surprised by the overall mixing quality of "TTYL BABY" because I made it using a cheap generic condenser mic... the kind that's sitting next to an ten year old IBM laptop. I wrote and recorded the song after a beer-swilling, chain-smoking session. The guitar parts were played on a 12-String Yamaha acoustic, and I overdubbed my own vocals. That's it, so let me know what you think.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Alberta's Highways

A sober and alert confident driver, travelling purposefully along a major two-lane highway at twenty or thirty kilometers over the speed limit in good visibility is not a likely safety concern.

A sober and alert nervous driver, travelling mindlessly along a major two-lane highway at five or ten kilometers over the speed limit is a likely safety concern. Seemingly oblivious to the traffic congestion and jockeying resulting from their apparent willful ignorance of lane etiquette, these drivers seem content to occupy a PASSING LANE for an entire two hour trip. This is an aggravating factor for the scores of other drivers who enter into their sphere throughout the duration of their trip, and interferes with what would otherwise be a smooth and natural flow of traffic on Alberta’s highways.

Putting planes in the sky to catch the odd speed demon will not result in any substantial improvements to public safety on our asphalt corridors. It’s my opinion that something should be done to address the issue of those commuters and highway travelers who insist on blocking passing lanes. How about more signage reminding drivers that the outer lane is not intended to be an option (...gee, I'm in the mood for the left lane today) but as an effective means to get around slower moving vehicles? While lane etiquette should be obvious, ( come whenever I'm behind the wheel, everyone around me starts going crazy? I'm doing the speed limit!) certain drivers simply might not grasp the concept. Perhaps more emphasis on this crucial element of highway travel should be included in driving license exams? 

Creating a buffer of space around your vehicle as it hurtles down the roadway is perhaps one of the most overlooked measures of good driving practice. Consciously adjusting your speed in a way that you're striving to put a mile ahead and a mile behind anyone else on the road only makes sense. Slowing down well before the red light to conserve momentum will save on brakes and fuel. It's simple physics. Tailgaters who are heavy on the brake pedal only contribute to accordion-like traffic flow that ultimately impedes everyone's commute. 

Addressing these sorts of safety issues makes more sense than fueling-up an aircraft every day to write-up a few hundred dollar fines.


Friday, July 5, 2013

What You See Is What THEY Get?

I'm beginning to worry if all the shit I say via big dot-coms on the internet is in vain. I wonder if these enterprises are somehow keeping me in an alternate reality where I just think I'm publicizing stuff when the reality is that nobody else can read it. A sort of inverted Truman Show paradigm. Well, whatever. I've got Go Daddy.

Forget 'Street Cred'... here's some 'Tweet Cred', suckers!

This is the sort of unexpected glitch you expose yourself to when you have exchanges with Mr. Todd Kincannon on the Twitter machine! LOL!