Monday, April 20, 2009

Four-Twenty Bunk Deal for Local Blogger

So after an irritable day of furiously chewing nicotine gum as though it works, and not drinking coffee, I decided to draw my tattered wool zip-up over my CJSW 3/4 length sleeved t-shirt, and head down to the Alberta Legislature grounds for some second hand fun; being that yesterday, the calender date mimics the official codified universal pot smoking time of 4:20PM. With video camera in pocket, and my aviator glasses gleaming, I made the trek to the 'Ledge' grounds which is all of three blocks from where I currently live.

Boy did I feel old. I'm not sure why, but I haven't been as outgoing as I once was. I used to be such an extrovert, a real social butterfly, but lately, I just don't feel the inclination to step out of my shell as much these days. I didn't talk to one single person the whole forty minutes or so that I was there. Didn't take any pictures or videos. Stopped to pet one dog. Marveled at the beautiful young women and their keen sense of hemp inspired fashions.

Secretly, while leaning my back against a pine tree, I was hoping for one of the revelers to offer me a toke, but it never happened. Most everyone was seated in little circles of five or six, and I felt really isolated and was somewhat disappointed by the lack of orchestration on the sound stage. An organized pot-head is an oxymoron if I've ever heard one, and it wasn't as though I was expecting to be handed a programme upon my arrival or anything, but the whole thing seemed a bit listless and haphazard - even for me. I suppose these types of affairs are what you make them, and it's not like I tried very hard to have fun. This is going to sound pathetic, but I bet my experience would've been more worthwhile had I a sixer of McNalley's Extra Ale coursing through me! Hopefully I get my social groove back one of these days.

The numbers were impressive however, and it was nice to see that something as benign as a shared interest in smoking bud can mobilize youth in such a way. I estimate that there were at least five hundred kids there by the time I left the gathering.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hey folks! I have a new video on You Tube. I wanted to try doing a basic straight shoot of my playing without a separate audio recording. Just wanted to hear how it sounded using only the Panasonic video camera's built-in mic. It's just me trying to sing "Act Naturally". Watching it, I can't help but feel that I could have really belted it out more, and the harmonica is pretty sloppy. Well, for what it's worth:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Too Effin' Busy!

Well it's now tomorrow night already, and time for a post. Not sure for how long I'll be able to keep this break-neck pace of posting every midnight! Anyway, I noticed that I hadn't yet written anything on here about my fourth most recent production, which after reviewing again for the first time in a day or two, I still remain almost entirely pleased with The same does not stand for some of my previous You Tube creations. I would agree with many of my viewers that I have less than intentions of brevity shall we say. No matter, onward and upward, and I really feel that this video signifies new directions for me. The young actor in this video is very funny! Thank you very much Jimmy and Chris! I owe it all to you...and my guitar playing!

Wood Louse Over Easy

As promised, this posting will not involve any sort overview of my latest You Tube video, but rather something topical or abstract, and, as a special bonus, I will include a surprise at the end of the article for all my faithful follower! That's right, follower, in the singular, as currently, I have but one follower of this blog, and I would like to thank you very much for reading me! I think I've been working at this moremoreenough project for a little over seven months now. Congratulations for being the first to follow!

Normally when writing my blog posts, I just use the built-in Blogger text editor. You know, the tan coloured one that pops up when you compose a new post. This morning however, I decided to try out the Google 'Docs' word processor, and I must say, it has a very clean interface, and seems to work flawlessly. I recommend you try it out if you haven't already.

I can remember reading something almost a decade ago about how 'in the future', home computers will no longer require applications taking up space on hard drives, and that the home PC of tomorrow will essentially be minimalistic dumb terminals that relies upon high speed transfer rates and external software moreso than it's own built-in processors and storage devices. While this has become a reality in many instances, and the idea of mainframe-terminal networks dates back to the sixties, with the rate of miniaturization in storage capability, memory and storage no longer seem like obstacles and so such a prediction becomes moot.

I like the idea of having a home computer that can still do things even if I lose my high speed internet which means having my own programs available on my hard drive for my own use. What I'm trying to get at is that I don't want to depend on an external service to be able to scan some photos into memory and toss them around in a graphics program, or write a letter to my aunt if the ADSL were to go on the fritz!

God, I've been so computer minded lately. Just in case you weren't aware, I'm primarily a musician. I was heavily into computing as young as six - I had a Texas Instruments 99-4A and learned to write BASIC programs on it. I continued being geeky until discovering girls, guitars, and ganja! Computing would take a back seat for the next decade or so, however, I would still find the time to participate on local BBSs with my Amiga 500 throughout the nineties. It wasn't until about a year ago that I subscribed to high speed internet services; the novelty has yet to wear off! Now it seems that it's the music that sits on the back burner while I seek out new way to jam on the web. I can spend hours searching out information on Wikipedia, reading blogs, watching YouTube, honing my Plenty of Fish profile, and Facebooking.

Although I sometimes welcome technical challenges, the state of online computing today makes it so effortless to share ideas and has made things very easy for the artist/hobbyist like myself to strike a balance in form over function. Thanks to the clever programming efforts of computer geniuses the world over, I need not concern myself with technical minutiae in order to express my artistic ideas via the World Wide Web. Fifteen years ago, you almost needed an introductory computing course just to effectively read an online news feed. Today, your borderline computer-illiterate grandmother can set up her own You Tube channel with a few dozen well placed mouse clicks. The intuitiveness of web-apps is nothing short of astounding by contrast of what internet enthusiasts had to endure in the late nineties.

Enough. I'm sure that this topic has been covered countless times elsewhere, and so I will cease to sit here lauding the state of the art and praising those responsible. Here now, as promised, is a surprise. What follows will be the first video that I post to my blog that isn't already available on my You Tube channel. I know it's essentially all the same thing, with Google owning You Tube and all, but hey... let's pretend!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sure Like those Caterham Super 7 Sport Cars!

If I had my choice of any of the street legal autos these days, I guess the Caterham would be it! Wow! Look at 'em go! My scope of knowledge about auto motives is fairly limited, but I would guess a Caterham Super 7 would retail starting somewhere around the $300k Cdn. region? I wouldn't know, but being that they are carefully hand crafted and all, I would think them to be extraordinarily pricey in the least and would obviously make a prized collector's item as they're custom built with your input. Is $1.2 million closer to what they cost? I'm wasting your time rambling on about it anyway. I don't know how much such an exquisite thing as this superb looking sports car will set one back. What a dream car; apparantly they're available in Canada. Check out the demo video for their updated models.

Though I'll most likely never own a Caterham any time soon, I'd like to change the subject to a couple of newly uploaded videos onto my YouTube channel, as that was the initial purpose I had in mind for the overarching theme for this particular blog; interspersing the video release notes with random and abstract articles isn't a bad idea. Yes, that's what you can expect from this website from now on. A random, topical post with a picture, followed by a random, topical post with a picture and a video discussion. Usually I'm not very rigid in avoiding chaos however, and much like our elected officials, may deviate from the rules I regulated for myself without notice. I think it's a good thing in some instances to have some sort of loose template for projects such as this one. Scanned photo's are fun to work with in various graphics editors (Corel Photo Paint is really groovy) and then sharing them with my favorite audience...So here's a still from a recent video for you all:

Note: Google's Chrome web browser is a really super browser in many respects, and I do like to use it, but Mozilla Firefox, seems more suited to using Blogger. Just struck me now, as I'm about to post a picture; I had trouble moving images using the Blogger posting editor within Chrome's windows last night. Firefox also seems to work more intuitively when resizing the size of the application's window!

Now to get back to the original reason for this blog and talk about my latest video in case anyone was interested. Or not. Just watch it.

Note: You can just click the black and blue seven pointed star icon on the far right to be swept away to my YouTube channel's home page. Feel free to post on the bulletin board if you have anything on your mind. Criticism, whatever.

So yeah...I'm not going to try and force feed you a video tonight. This next piece that I'd like to share, is just a day in the life sort of take. The guitar piece you'll hear throughout, is in fact me playing, and I think it's pretty good gypsy style on my part! (Is it ever windy outside my place! With my windows cracked ever so slightly, it's literally whistling into my apartment! Enjoy!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Futility in Motion?

I suppose it hardly matters what I say in this space. No one reads it, do they? Am I trying too hard, or not hard enough in my social networking pursuits. I guess that I don't update things enough to make it worthwhile for serious blog followers. Could it be that the content is lame? I think that I'm a pretty darn good writer, but I'm well aware that I need to post something daily in order to get attention.

Anyway, I'm happy to announce that I've been living my lifelong dream of being relatively obscure, residing in a cramped little bachelor apartment, and not having a job to have to awaken myself for at some uncivilized hour to arrive on time to! 

Toiling away at some mundaine thankless occupation in order to help in building someone else's dream seems absurd when all you get out of it is a humiliatingly less than handsome pittance every two weeks. Moreover, it seriously wreaks havoc with my natural bio-ryhtims. The harsh reality of the lot is magnified tenfold when you read the news enough to realize that the various deductions you see on your pay stub are contributing to little more than deceptive money shuffling by corrupt bureaucrats who always seem to be spending the citizenry's hard earned pay on some sort of maligned initiative or futile study. 

I hate everything about the modern day workplace routine - the expectations, the co-workers, the boss, the structure, the relentless commercial radio stations jockeying up over produced schlock performed by flash in the pan, overly promoted, passionless musicians. 

For many of us, a workjob is just a begrudgingly necessary part of life, and to still fewer, a labor of love. For me, a steady job is something to avoid at any and all cost! Don't get me wrong, I have had some decent jobs working alongside some wonderful people, but for the most part, my employment history has been extremely depressing; keeping in mind however, that the only thing worse than keeping some stupid and unfulfilling work post, is looking for a new one!

Friday, April 10, 2009

What the Buck?

Michael Buckley, successful, admirable, poignantly fun, and wildly sensational television personality rated my latest shtick a five on the YouTube-o-meter. I can't believe it! It means a great deal to me coming from a razor wit such as his, and I haven't been so excited in a long time.

If you haven't yet, go and watch him! You know, I don't even watch television, and rarely see films lately, and still, I find What the Buck a celebrity, pop culture gossip piece, highly amusing to watch, and I'm a tough critic!

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to watch, or WHO WILL potentially WATCH MY WEIRD VIDEOS. Remember folks, it won't hurt you to subscribe to my channel!