So after an irritable day of furiously chewing nicotine gum as though it works, and not drinking coffee, I decided to draw my tattered wool zip-up over my CJSW 3/4 length sleeved t-shirt, and head down to the Alberta Legislature grounds for some second hand fun; being that yesterday, the calender date mimics the official codified universal pot smoking time of 4:20PM. With video camera in pocket, and my aviator glasses gleaming, I made the trek to the 'Ledge' grounds which is all of three blocks from where I currently live.
Boy did I feel old. I'm not sure why, but I haven't been as outgoing as I once was. I used to be such an extrovert, a real social butterfly, but lately, I just don't feel the inclination to step out of my shell as much these days. I didn't talk to one single person the whole forty minutes or so that I was there. Didn't take any pictures or videos. Stopped to pet one dog. Marveled at the beautiful young women and their keen sense of hemp inspired fashions.
Secretly, while leaning my back against a pine tree, I was hoping for one of the revelers to offer me a toke, but it never happened. Most everyone was seated in little circles of five or six, and I felt really isolated and was somewhat disappointed by the lack of orchestration on the sound stage. An organized pot-head is an oxymoron if I've ever heard one, and it wasn't as though I was expecting to be handed a programme upon my arrival or anything, but the whole thing seemed a bit listless and haphazard - even for me. I suppose these types of affairs are what you make them, and it's not like I tried very hard to have fun. This is going to sound pathetic, but I bet my experience would've been more worthwhile had I a sixer of McNalley's Extra Ale coursing through me! Hopefully I get my social groove back one of these days.
The numbers were impressive however, and it was nice to see that something as benign as a shared interest in smoking bud can mobilize youth in such a way. I estimate that there were at least five hundred kids there by the time I left the gathering.