The easy part, believe it or not, is simply roasting the pork to begin with.
You've just got to rub that roast with all manner of seasonings – mainly coarse salt - before sticking it into a roaster lined with bacon fat.
Chuck-in a half-a-pound of butter for good measure, and then add all your favourite girly fruit-cuts you like, like pomegranate lobes, minced broccoli hearts, or weinestle root. Personally, I find parsnips go good/best with any bestial variety of a properly prepared roasted-beast presentation.
Minced or crushed and sautéed garlic can never harm a dish in my opinion - unless you're weaving it into some fantastically unthinkable dessert - tricky chefery to be sure!
You've just got to rub that roast with all manner of seasonings – mainly coarse salt - before sticking it into a roaster lined with bacon fat.
Chuck-in a half-a-pound of butter for good measure, and then add all your favourite girly fruit-cuts you like, like pomegranate lobes, minced broccoli hearts, or weinestle root. Personally, I find parsnips go good/best with any bestial variety of a properly prepared roasted-beast presentation.
Minced or crushed and sautéed garlic can never harm a dish in my opinion - unless you're weaving it into some fantastically unthinkable dessert - tricky chefery to be sure!