It's Saturday morning, and I thought I'd create a little gallery of some of my image submissions to Facebook over the past year.
To the left, you can see I'm not above drinking cheap swill for a good buzz. It wasn't my first time knocking back a sixer of Black ICE on a Wednesday afternoon, but it was my first encounter with a pressure-release fail-safe device on a beer can!
I earned the nickname Donkey Balls in high school after a friend of mine caught a glimpse of my nut sack in the boy's change room at school. I used to be a pretty ballsy character, but these days I rarely leave the house, and prefer sedentary activities like writing and music-making to rodding vehicles through thick brush and mud for kicks. I'm a real housecoat and slippers guy now. Walking the dog to the boozemart constitutes adventure enough for me these days, and you won't catch me jumping out of airplanes or getting into fistfights if I can help it!
On the right is just one of the many pieces of conceptual weirdness I'm

responsible for. It's been almost a month since I've had so much as a
toke - which is quite an achievement for someone who's been a bag-a-week level pot smoker for the last decade or so. I'm not writing-off
ever getting high for recreational purposes, but the new found mental
clarity isn't an unwelcome state. If you're a weed-lover like me, I would
highly recommend trying a lengthy reprieve from the reefer madness!

Women. Women in politics. Can you see my eyes rolling? I'm half-kidding. I'm not really a chauvinist, and I don't have any sort of beef whatsoever with women in politics - I have a problem with
progressives and
idealists in politics. I hate the idea of a good man losing to a terrible woman because guilt-ridden men and "gonna-show-those-men" type women ascribe to a manufactured perception of gender bias in official capacities. Did that make any sense?
As far as I can tell, the greenest aspect of the greenies green movement is the colour of the foreign money at stake. I've can't help but notice parallels between those who espouse climate dictates and their lock-step stance on other matters. It's more of a stick-it-to-the-honest-worker movement if you ask me. An effort to dismantle our Christian tradition. The double standards of progressives are as transparent as their designer eye-wear.
Here is my current Premiere un-elect. He's taken the reigns of provincial power after poor Ms. Redford was forced to resign from the top job because of the misogynistic elements woven into the fabric of every Alberta institution. It had nothing to do with the mounting public disgust over her lavish, jet-setting, whimsical five-star waltzing around the world. Nothing to do with the relentless questioning: When? Where? How much? and Why? Why did you feel so entitled to spend our public money like a Saudi prince? Come-on people! She's a MOM!

Sometimes I just open-up Microsoft Paint and get busy. I don't expect my frivolous works of pixelated colour to win any awards, but as we all know, art is in the eye of the beholder, and I like to think someone might one day classify my efforts as unsung genius? In any capacity, it's a bit of harmless and relaxing fun to do impulsive artwork, I find. Put on some good tunes and break-out the paintbrush! Digital paint is so much less messy... and cheaper too.
Everyone's sick these days. Go get your shots, you filthy wretch! I find the best medicine is prevention - remain in your house and don't shake anyone's hand! Seriously, I used to be very social, but now-a-days I get more satisfaction from being my own best friend. Most people I know have extremely busy lives, and don't seem interested or available to join me in the sorts of projects I'm interested in pursuing. It's lonely, but the upside is that I never worry about contracting the flu!
Just another example of messing-around with graphics. Cutting, pasting, inverting, flipping, recomposing...What innocently begins with a couple of words can devolve into a big psychedelic mish-mash of retardedness when you're cooked out of your gourd! Case in point!
Ah Mila! The apple of my eye. She's my little puppy dog, and she loves everyone. Dog people will understand me when I say there is no comparison to the spirited loyalty of the K-9 unit. They perceive our intent before we even know what we're thinking of doing. They can smell danger a mile away. They exude unconditional love. Incredible little bundles of cuteness and devotion. I used this image as an avatar on my Soundcloud channel - Invalidator.
I wouldn't want to see this sign hanging in a breakfast spot! For the last 25 years of my life, not a day has begun without the magical beans that awaken my mind! I suppose I could adapt eventually, but the world would be far less bearable without the fast-acting properties of caffeine, and in my opinion, there's no tastier and satisfying way to deliver it than a steaming cup of strong coffee made from freshly ground Brazilian coffee beans.
It's special alright! Wow! Am I ever a bold thinker! Just look at the unrestrained use of contrasts and conservative use of colour! Gosh... if people don't like me for my singing, maybe they'll like me for my portfolio of transitional artwork?
Justin for Prime Minister! I'm actually a big fan of Stephen Harper, but in a Canada with Trudeau at the helm, who knows? Maybe I'd have an easier time taking your money in the form of a grant? I bet Trudeau would redistribute wealth like no one before him? All I really know is that nothing ever seems to work-out the way I'd like it to - regardless of who's in charge.

Are you richer than you think? All I know is that being perpetually flat-broke is a safe zone for this web logger. I don't mind being unemployed in my parent's basement too much. I've never held any consumer debt in my life, and I don't see the logic in paying interest on a depreciating asset like a vehicle. For me, going out and working all day to put gas in a motor car doesn't compute. If I were to ever borrow money, it'd be on the premise of a probable return on my investment - like a commercial delivery vehicle or a solid business venture. Working all day at something I hate for low wages isn't worth my time, and I've met people who spend half their day slugging it out just to keep up with outstanding debts. I don't want to be that person, so I find contentment with the few things I do have, and embrace my cheap hobbies.

New World Order alert! I don't know who to trust. I believe The Vatican is the wealthiest entity on the planet, and that no major plays are ever made without their express approval. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is immaterial to someone like myself. I like to keep current and to share my opinions and observances on social media. Will it make a difference in the long run? There's only one way to find out!
Not a big fan of Ms. Wynne - the current Premier of Ontario. She strikes me as some kind of power hungry career elitist. I prefer leaders with more diversity. Someone who's served in the military, achieved some measure of success in the private sector, and knows something about everything. I don't doubt that Kathleen has a razor sharp mind for political strategy, and that frightens me when such guile is possessed by someone with an entitlement complex. Just my impression. I hope she doesn't sue me!