I like the way this guy thinks:
Read all about it! Pop-rock stars from yesteryear are still anti-establishment!
The Facebook posting above, if you haven't guessed, is actually mine. I posted it on the Sun News Network's Facebook link to an article addressing Canadian pop icon, Jim Cuddy's recent announcement that he's officially aligning himself with Neil Young's stance against Alberta's oil operations.Personally, I care how many shit-tons of bitumen and crude are harvested from the Athabasca region about as much as I care what a couple of whiny-jangle singer-songwriters think about it. What does concern me, is the genuineness of people's musical 'tastes' when I read the barrage of "anti-Cuddite" malice from people commenting on the subject. People announcing they'll stop listening to Cuddy's smarm-pop tunes, the same tunes they claim they once liked, over his decision to pull a notice-me-aligning-myself-with-Neil Young, CBC stunt. It'd be like me suddenly starting to listen to cringe-worthy Nickelback's music upon Chad Kroeger revealing he too happens to be a pro lifer or something. Ridiculous.
Do you ever get the impression that these are the sorts of fair-weather fans who will bob their heads to whatever enervating piss-pop is cyclically pumped over the airwaves and into their cars' radios? Do you think that their obsequious music sensibilities manifest like everything else they claim is 'pretty good' in life? Deriving their tastes from a trickle-down stream of sensibility that drips from the tips of their masters' penises?
Like Cuddy and Young, writing and recording songs is something I like to do too, but since I'm a never-was as opposed to a has-been, nobody cares if I make some flippant and inflammatory statements about Canada's premier primary industry.
At least I'm not a hypocrite. I know how the beer I drink gets to the booze mart. I like modern conveniences and I'm sure happy the computer keyboard I'm using to write this doesn't cost a fortune because it's made from exotic wood or hammered copper instead of cheap plastic made possible by petroleum.
Anyway, I'm fortunate in that I don't have to endure some oil boss cranking "Five Days In May" every day on the way to work in the oil and gas industry to appreciate when Ezra Levant blows the lid off the huckster brigade by merely scrutinizing the records of the shim-sham sector's financials. These fucking actors who pretend they care about environmental issues are no match for Ezra! Keep pumpin' that petrol!