Thursday, September 1, 2011

Re-Discovering Sir Mix-A-Lot: A short hip-hop / rap / pop music review written by a wannabe rocker.

In considering that my musical tastes lean most hardest toward psychedelic rock music from the 60's and 70's, I am probably not the best aficionado of good taste when it comes to criticizing the hip-hop / rap genre of music out here, but I do love a good song and dance; I know what I like. Sometimes... like after a nice grilled cheese sandwich and some discount brand lager, I crave hearing a bit of Black Sabbath or Captain Beefheart. Often, there are times that I'm feeling a little nostalgic, drunk, and no other singer can fill the void in my heart like Diana Ross. I've always been a tremendously huge fan of those gorgeous and talented ABBA girls:

ABBA to Zappa. I get off listening to whatever I deem to be a good song or well conceived piece of music regardless of whatever genre it may be classified under. When it comes to classical music, it's in the nuances found betwixt the notes and pauses  of the masterful works of J.S. Bach that charges-up my batteries more than even Mozart of Brahms:

The music of J.S. Bach is complex and definitive. The mediocrity of this particular recitation in comparison to what I've heard out there leaves much to be desired.  I Unless you're playing bluegrass, a song shouldn't be treated as though its a cannonball run. Given the serene complexity of every single one of  J.S. Bach's works that I've yet heard, it's a miracle to me that anyone can even play all the movements through to the finish at all! So I offer a hearty Bravo to the organist above, whoever he may be. Just playing anything on a full console pipe organ is impressive in itself. Being expected to sweep the foot pedals in correct order while noodling about with both hands on the keyboardz in an accurate and timely fashion would astound even the most stalwart of "hey, I can do that" type people. Isn't the pipe organ truly glorious? I thank metallurgy, acoustical physics, and Christianity for the wonder that is the pipe organ.

Hyper-galactic jumping into the century of motorcars and soda-pop, we find "rap" music. Rap music BAD! Church Hymns GOOD!

Just so you know, folks, I grew up fairly non-ecclesiastically. My folks never brought me to any church except for a couple of midnight masses in a couple of modest cathedrals here and there and what not... and yet still they managed still to instill into me some certain and strong sense of the Good Lord or God Almighty or whatever. For me, spending time with biblical passages is far better than spending time with some pseudo-wizened pontificating professor of textbook history: I say, read it (Bible) for yourself. Is it the words of 'GOD' that you're seeing? Since everything we know from history was probably written by our (human?) ancestors, should it not be that the scriptures themselves aren't prone to corruption from the time-traveler component if you believe in such things? Hey... it's all trajectories and velocities... it's all good, bro... just try some of this, Dear Reader....

Sir-Mix-A-Lot is one performer who's deeply etched into in my mind when I think back to the popular rap / hip-hop scene of music I was exposed to in the early-to-mid nineties. It was that Big Butts song that led me to further explore his works. Flashback ten years and I was listening to the Beastie Boys- dropping their needles and busting out honest-to-goodness spoiled-white-kid rhymes. I was about nine or ten back then, and at that age I didn't even know the meaning of Jewish. That is until I really started watching SNL on the furniture-piece television set in Mom & Dad's basement.

Watch this one first:

Warm reception in Glasgow for these innovators of modern American music at the time. The Beastie Boys. Lots of energy, great DJ, and interesting lyrics in a swingin' good performance, I say. So what's Sir-Mix-Alot up to these days?  Check out his slick website.  or just watch this crazy ode to the idolization of pricey performance cars. Sir-Mix-A-Lot pretends to be tough, but I bet I could personally whip him in a one on one fight.  It's hard to tell if he's tongue-in-cheek or not, but either way, I appreciate a good sprinkling of cheese in my pop music, and while this particular number isn't something I'd purposefully represent, it's got clever rhymes and sounds almost like a cross between Duran Duran and Lady Ga Ga:

I'm a white pussy who lives in Edmonton Alberta, and while it may be true that I mainly put the blame squarely on the shoulders  of Canadian immigration policies for most of our emerging problems, I still enjoy a good dose of exotic styles of music now and again, and I never blame the queue jumpers. How about some more music from the United States of America. Ice Cube anyone?

I think Ice Cube would easily see to it that Sir Mix-A-Lot chokes on his own teeth were they ever to get into a serious fist fight, eh? Doubt it would happen. Speaking from experience, musicians usually get tougher guys to do their fighting for them. I just know that I sure wouldn't want to piss the ol' Cube off. He looks like he could open a bag of dog food without so much as a really sharp knife. As a politically correct Canuck, I like how Ice Cube exposes the blame-shifting culture for what it is. Blame gangsterism. Blame your inability to tell the truth and whatnot. I think me and Mr. Cube would see eye-to-eye on a good many things, and I might only hope that he's still rich, reads this blog for himself, and invites me for a shindig at his place someday.


Well that's all for the music review tonight.  For the life of me I cannot remember whatelse I was going to write about, and I'm far too lazy to start importing pictures right now, so I'll just call it a finish and would like to offer a little reminder to you, Dear Reader. Dear Reader I would ask for you to go ahead and cherish every good moment you have and to celebrate your loved ones. We are all but the frayed ends of a flash of light in the great cosmic scheme of things, Go boldly forth in your life's quest, Dear Reader, and whatever you do.... don't forget to bookmark my blog!