Just got in after taking the shepherd dogs for a little late night to-do around Ezio Farone Park. To enhance the outing, I also brought along with me a notebook that I will never write in, and a couple of T*N*T Strong Malt... beer? An inexpensive malt, and at least one can of which I'd be sure to drink before returning to my home office to tell you all about it in this here blog.
Dear reader, are you an expert on brewcraft? I dunno. I thought beer was beer, malt was malt, and ale was ale, but I must digress... I'm no aficionado, but rather a drink-to-get-drunk sort of drunk-type drinker who really shouldn't drink anything fermented at all... no matter how good I feel about myself that day. Even when it comes to having a nice glass of port with a Cuban, or even a Champagne at brunch with close friends. Even a glass of Shiraz with a Swiss Cheese fondue is off limits for a hammerhead like me! You just don't know where it might take me!
Entering the park's perimeter, I headed straight for the dimly lit Gazebo that almost overlooks the river valley. I was thinking that I might write a stanza, make a few clever late night footnotes, or just tepidly sip at my peasant brew - a freshly sharpened Staedtler (UK) pencil tucked purposefully in my left ear for just such a purpose. I wanted badly to look as pretentious as a professional blogger in case any chicks happened by.
Since it was late and there was not hide nor hair of the usual spandex clad "I work out in public" set so common in this park during the daytime hours- nor the usual buxom hussies out strutting their apartment-sized dogs around, I decided it was safe to unleash the unwaveringly obedient wolves and let them roam free. It's certain people's understandably anxious reactions toward larger, wolfish-looking dogs that I fret over when unleashing them in the city. They're really, really, good doggies who will even cease chasing a rabbit upon command. Stalwart companions are they!
After unhinging them, the co-ed pair of inseparable K-9s immediately trotted around one of the concrete flower planters enshrining the gazebo, and then stopped... ears and tails up, dead still- staring intently at something behind the ferns. I parked my beer bag on the bench and went around to see what it was that had captured their undivided, symbiotic attentions. It was... a cat!
Not just any cat, but an eggshell coloured feline who was groomed-up just like a show poodle! Closely shorn midriff with poofs of fur on its head, tail,
and feet! I'd seen this strange cat not two weeks previous while sauntering about in my neighbourhood well after midnight, and at that time, felt very much inclined to take it home with me to my urban cabin to eat tuna and listen to my nonsensical oratory.
Erring on the side of caution, I re-hitched my two gentle beasts, and implored for them to sit. More reluctantly than usual, they did sat, thus giving me an opportunity to reacquaint myself with this wayward kitty, much to the dogs' chagrin.
This fearless and handsome little house cat had tags affixed to its collar, one of which read - I kid you not:
"I AM A FRIENDLY OUTDOOR CAT"... and that was that!
It was my turn to sit, and so I sat, on the gazebo's bench, and contemplated all sorts of stuff about the universe and my place in it. Holistic stuff. Chaos theory and stuff Stephen Hawking goes on about. The little cat didn't budge the whole time. The dogs maintained their vigil, intent on the bushes where they knew the fearless feline was lingering. Weird me out, man!
I'm a real lazy sort (if by happenstance a future employer is reading this, keep in mind that the precise opposite is true whenever I'm on the payroll) and have a strong disliking for any sort of unnecessary busy work.
When my computer's main hard drive crapped-out a while back, I was forced to install a non-Microsoft operating system on my PC. Imagine my delight upon the discovery that my repository of digital pictures and video were left unscathed - entirely intact within my desktop computer's
secondary hard drive! The files
were unadulteratedly accessible- even though I was now running the machine with a Linux O/S!
I couldn't congratulate myself enough for having the wherewithal to keep my video work on a physically separate drive all this time! Bravo, moremoreenough!
I plan to rock on into the near future!