I've been feeling terrible about my previous article about Alberta's minister of Arts and his glaringly inarticulate tweeting ever since posting it, and so would like to apologize for my public knit picking - as though I'm some accomplished and acclaimed writer. Still, it pisses me off that he does - and I don't - have a cool job and make loads of money for doing cool shit. I heard Lindsay on the radio a couple weeks ago and he sounds like a really nice guy, so I feel like a complete ass.
I started a wordpress thing where I publish my off-the-cuff poetry. I like getting stuff out there fast in the event that I die unexpectedly; lest the world never have a chance to appreciate my literary genius.
In the spirit of the original intent of this blog, I will refrain from addressing politics here in the future, and focus on a brief discussion about one of my latest videos and throw a couple of dumb, unrelated pics in the mix - like this one:
Often times I get carried away with editing and augmenting my photo images, but lately I'm more into writing and twitter and facebook and youtube. I'm usually too lazy to put a whole bunch of links in my articles. I find politics baffling and alcohol liberating. Sometimes I just want to banish the problems of the world from my thoughts and just ease my mind with a song to share with my numerous friends and the throngs of mortal admirers of my supernatural talent. The video embedded below is of me performing a song I wrote when I was about twenty so.
Ron "The Pawn" had a bit of a temper - like so many of the merchants of assorted stuff I've met. I've always thought that running a pawn shop would be a great retirement gig for someone like me who likes to tinker with electronics and collect vintage things.