On occasion, over the last couple of years, I've agreed to accommodate this smallish, cute, and well behaved kitty for a few nights at time. Never growing up had I ever had a pet cat to call my own, although I can remember the week or so that me dear ol' Mum reluctantly cat-sat for a friend; she likes cats, but not enough to endure the feline's typical negligence to provide much notice before landing on one's lap seemingly out of nowhere. Cat's, unlike dogs, appear, moreso than they approach in the way a pet dog would with nails clicking, tongue lapping, and eyes bashful. Dogs can be fairly stealthy and quiet when they feel the need, whereas cats are far more stealthy and agile, and some like to make a point of demonstrating it to people. It doesn't help that Mom is easily startled.

Here you can see her perched next to my computer's keyboard. She frequently visits me while I'm in 'the office' reading, typing, or watching something. I used to keep my telephone set in here, but now it's in the kitchen area... I'm thinking of getting a second telephone set to place near the computer... a smallish phone set, as it's handy for looking things up while chatting with a friend. My Mom usually calls on Sundays for a bit of help with the NY Times crossword. On the rare occasion that I find myself wanting to just simply pass time, like when I'm awaiting a flight in some Airport's food court, you're not likely to discover the like of me taking the time to 'do' a crossword. I imagine they're a breeze when solved with the like of Wikipedia and Google at

Found a humble little entertainment unit with a glass door, abandoned next to the dumpster behind my building a few months ago. Now it acts as a station for my computer tower, and the monitor rests neatly on top. This set up allows me to roll my PC around the apartment! Now I can watch You Tube while making pancakes or watch You Tube while watching TV! Still, I generally keep it parked in the office, and rather like having my living room free from too much technology when entertaining friends and ladies.