So, what's in my mailbox today?
1. Bill from my telephone/internet service provider. I pay about $35.00 per month for 'enhanced' high speed internet, and another $26.00 for the land line running to my apartments telephone that asynchronously carries the direct internet line into my office.
2. Will it be me? Desperate plea to get me to buy a car from a consortium of car dealerships. "Hurry, even though we've said this during each and every sale, these deals won't last forever!"

You know what? These dealership barons aren't squirming nearly as much as I am without a job right now!
My advice is this: If you do not ABSOLUTELY need a vehicle RIGHT AWAY, keep your purse strings closed and wait until these dealers are forced to clean out their inventory once and for all. They'll have to PAY YOU to take their price inflated lemons off the lot! Otherwise, the deals do seem rather enticing!
3. Live near a freeway! More local lottery bullshit from Capital EX, the event formerly known as Klondike Days. I wasn't aware a 1,697 sqaure-foot bungalow was worth over $800,000 in this rapidly declining market - even if it is located in the "prestigious community" of Citadel. Seems an outrageously high price for a bungalow in Edmonton, but I suppose one would have to first see it to know for sure. Maybe it's that awesome. Oh, and they (the builders) went through all the trouble of including 'the latest in environmentally friendly features, like motion sensing lighting in the walk in closet and pantry, and a high efficiency gas furnace. Wow. Live in a
hepafiltered, airtight bubble all winter! No thanks! I'll take slightly drafty with nice, highly efficient radiant steam heat any day. So much quieter, and doesn't blow stuff around. Well hey, I'm sure this Lottery home will be a very nice looking place when it's all finished, and part of the ticket money will go to a good cause as the draw happens to be sponsored by The Lions Club.
But what about conservation minded innovations of thirty years ago, like a solar heated water tank, or thermal heat storage in a sub-basement? Who cares! It's a Green Dream home located in a section of Edmonton that requires driving to get anywhere. Spend an hour of your day commuting between your place of work and your new environmentally concientous home!
"You can visit the dream home beginning in June at its permanent location - 371 McGrath Boulevard." It's supposed to be MAGRATH, not MCGRATH as it's written in the glossy pamphlet! Seriously, folks, you'd have to pay my property taxes to have me live in one of those McMansion neighborhoods. I think I'll keep the $35 entry fee and buy a couple of packs of smokes and a six pack instead!
4. Invitation from the Religious Technology Center, i.e., Church of Scientology, to detoxify my body and mind...but then what? Thanks, but no thanks!
5. Harper Mangled Everything! Return postage paid questionaire designed to fault the Conservatives for the 'economic crisis' from John Cannis, Liberal MP.
+_+_+_+_+_>>>EXCLUSIVE TO THIS BLOG<<<_+_+_+_+_+
I was accosted last Sunday outside of the Money Mart on the corner of Jasper Ave and 108 Street. Some big dude noticed my camera strap hanging from the inside of my leather jacket and made a grab for it unexpectedly. He caught hold of just the camera's strap, while I had the video camera (Panasonic SDR-S7) in a death lock. A quick twist of my wrist saw me with the camera securely in hand leaving the agressor but with a loop of nylon shoelace! As you'll hear in the recording below, he was rather insistant about 'seeing' my video camera.
I could hardly believe this was happening! Me, in good spirits, and some thug trying to grab Graham's video camera.
The hand strap anchor for the SDR-7 is, lengthwise, located opposite the lens end of the unit.
Calmly, I say, "No man. Get away from me!"
Attacker becomes seemingly enraged!
It was a serious tug of war until I purposefully snapped the handstrap to get the camera out of this goon's reach!
While watching the video, try to imagine me, literally bouncing away from my attacker on my toes. Kind of hopping sideways down the know, doing my best Mohammed Ali impersonation with the guy. I was just sort of loose fistedly jabbing my knuckles around his facial area after he decided to physically assault me.
Now, I like a bit of boxing or sparring if someone challenges me, but I was rather encumbered at the time, with my 1975 Fender F-95 Acoustic Guitar strapped on my back without a case, and didn't want to risk my inventory trying to best this douche bag, who also happened to be a good head taller than I. Fortunately, I'm light on my heels, have a long reach for my height, and was able to skip sideways away from him while quickly and lightly jabbing him in the face with my left hand. I wish you could've been there to see it!
Here you may see a slight bit of what I did manage to capture on video: