Sunday, February 22, 2009

Electroconvulsive Vision

It sincerely pleases the good folks at moremoreenough records to announce a newly forged business alliance with electroconvulsive studios of Edmonton, AB.

"We could not have hoped for a more harmonious arrangement than these fine fellows", says moremoreenough records' vice president, B.R. Mathews of the fledgling studio, "not only are they novices in the industry, like us, but we found that through the course of working together, our respective artistic visions were really beginning to converge on some mutually agreeable focal point."

Dylan Blake, senior sound engineer and proprietor of the recording studio seems to agree.

"Those guys are like, trip factor nine, man. They like, almost tripped me out to the maximum with the shit that they know about music and electronics and politics, and like, everything. Oh yeah, and their office is downtown, so that's cool."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Slow Eddie Edmonton

Having yet to get a video camera of my own, I thus am limited to compiling and editing footage already stored on my computation devices' hard drive units. The instrumental work accompanying the video was recorded using a freeware program called 'Audacity' in conjunction with the 'EDIROL' high speed USB audio capture device on loan from C.J. Esquire who, incidentally, is also responsible for much of the raw video snippets you may see in our productions. I also have a good stock of photographic film prints which I sometimes like to incorporate into the videos...the latest includes a static shot of a very white cat I once spied sitting on a fence somewhere in Calgary.

Although I've never 'owned' a cat, they seem to really like me for some reason. I once psychically bonded with a calico kitty I was cat-sitting for a week-end. Ascending into the Astral realm while Suzie was at the foot of my bed provided a golden opportunity for me to interview her telepathically. She admitted to me that Michael Douglas is her favorite movie actor.

So what's new in my exciting and prolific life you might be wondering? Well, I've been managing to survive off of little more than rolled oats, plain pasta noodles, rice, and flax cereal for the past three weeks. Both my deep freeze and my freezer are now unplugged, and I am hoping that next month's electric bill from Epcor is reflective of these measures. Since being laid off from a job repairing Springtime Water Distillers at Big Iron Drilling last December, I haven't been able to land another work-job.

Oh well. I still have my trusty land line, high speed internet, and a music studio in my closet. I hope you enjoy Slow Eddie Edmonton. Check out my You Tube Channel and do yourself a favour by subscribing. I have another project in the works, and it should be up by next weekend if all goes well. Thanks for stopping in!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Best CANADIAN Guitar Player in the WORLD

This video is an obvious attempt to exercise my own vanity. The sound layering was acheived, quite by accident at first, by layering the audio tracks within Window's Movie Maker. I would like to further explore this technique, and you may also hear a more subtle use of the effect on 'Workjob - Live at Grandin Tower'. On that video it provides for a wee bit of slap back echo feel.