Thursday, May 29, 2008


Mars - looks like a good place to play marbles.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Can't Wait to go to Mars

Haven't you always wanted to go to the Planet Mars? Could it be that there are already humans or humanoid beings inhabiting the Red Planet on secret bases or in Martian dwellings?


Deliver us from the fiery burning furnace.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blue Days, Black Nights

Now, I think with a bit of tweaking, my approach to budget audio recording may have some merit...

I realize the distorted level, but it does provide for a gritty feel...and keep in mind it was a single live take with minimal equipment.

Please accept my apology for omitting the second verse: the urgency to make sure everything would work distracted my attention. But here it is.

<<<Blue Days {{{HOLLY}}} Black Nights>>>
As played and sung by none other than the exceptional, Blake R. Mathews.

This is my first attempt at copying a tape recording onto my computer machine.

I recorded this using a Roland RE-201, a JVC Cassette recording deck, the Fender F-95 Acoustic pictured below, and an AKG microphone.

Friday, May 9, 2008


Hi there folks;

Another posting for all both of my ardent followers.

As the title suggests, this posting will adhere to the usual neglect of congruency, and, in its seeming abstractness, will ensue to.....

Enough. Allow me to disclose to you, reader, a tid-bit or two 'bout the man behind this blog.

Before subscribing to ADSL internet, my home computing experience was limited to: playing Sid Meier's Civilization III; Purusing the "CD-Interactive" Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia; and capitalizing upon all the perks of MS-Windows 98 galloping across the Pentium II Plateau spanning my reliable and yet, inherited computer machine. I suppose that a computer entirely isolated from the internet is immune from outLANdish threats.

I still have the PentiumII and hope to one day outfit her with some new A/V hardware to use in conjunction with my haphazard, gonzo-engineered home studio.

Before you label me a Luddite, might I divulge a glimpse to you- oh worthy reader- a cascade of menangeraqualified renditions of life and the exquisitudinous extensorial bibliographicisms.