Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Loud as I want to be
"They'll get goose shit on their pants!", said the strange man as he stood on the bridge's walkway, several stories above the mighty North Saskatchewan river in the heart of Edmonton, Alberta.
Conceived in 2005, "Loud as I want to be" is louder than you think!
Thanks for watching.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
'I Forget Again'
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Real Estate Parsec!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
"Hurry up and shred the evidence!"

Edmonton - Learning from the recent admission by our health advisories of the terrifyingly blundering state of nursing procedures in the town of High Prairie, Alberta, it might leave one wondering if our health practitioners even care about our health anymore. Could our system be so overburdened that such an obviously simple precaution as not sharing needles is being overlooked to save time?
"While I cannot comment on the specific details of the situation in HighPrairie, in general all registered nurses are expected to follow the Nursing Practice Standards which includes following relevant legislation, standards and policies such as the provincial infection control standards," said Margaret Hadley, the president of The College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta.
What a relief that we have standards and policies to go with our common sense. Of course many health professionals decidedly care about your health, but imagine what would you be thinking if the recent bad news was regarding your own health?
“Surprise!”, says the health official. “I know that your previous treatments here seemed to be going well for you, but it is my regrettable duty to inform you that since our institution's realization that you may have come into contact with equipment that was in fact not sterile at some point during your treatment here, that it is now in your best interests, to get checked for, ummm, HIV and Hepatitis. The old HEP, HIV duo, O.K.?”
It would not be surprising in the least if mobile paper shredding trucks are hard at work this very moment, turning the last five years of patient specific records, carbon prints, little plastic bracelets and what not, into little diagonal strips - as this article is being written; desperately purging whatever potentially damnable evidence they can muster; employing the likes of shred-tech equipped vehicles to come out and do their dirty work.
My heart goes out to anyone directly, and indirectly (as we all share that designation), or anyone with a family member affected by this astoundingly terrifying revelation about our state of so called 'health practice'.
B.R. Mathews
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
LEECH BLEACH, BURSTEN BUBBLE - Toil and trouble. Says Agent, "Beware Ye, prospective buyer, for the delusional Real Estate Eschewers do loom!"

At about nine o'clock this evening, as I stood before my kitchen stove, slathering torn off layers of iceberg lettuce with mayonnaise and eating them while awaiting the melting of two slices of Mozzarella cheese atop my sausage fat-fried eggs, it occurred to me that there are probably far more suitable candidates than myself to face combat scenarios overseas. Unless I get to fly something, I would want nothing to do with fighting war beyond the strategizing of it.
Before the eggs were even ready, my mind was most thoroughly preoccupied by how satisfying a nice after dinner coffee and cigarette would be.
Deep golden brown on the underside, the two egg's yolks, unturned, were rendered just to the point of solidification - and the cheese had just finished melting evenly by the time the pot-cover I had placed over the cast iron frying pan was lifted.
“Marvellous,” I thought with each twist of the mill - and watched the cheesy surface of my perfectly fried eggs become sufficiently dense with black pepper grinds. I then ate them, without toast, and prepared my evening coffee.
Unsure if speaking in your own mind about oneself in the third person, I am alone again. A stubborn and seemingly unemployable man-child. I shaved my head today. Why you wonder? Well I had tried to cut it somewhat short myself, but it was catastrophic. For two straight days I did not leave my apartment and decided that something had to be done to circumvent my own vanity. I knew it would become a somewhat lengthy endeavour; (to shave my entire head with a Mach II safety razor) so it's a good thing I had enough shaving lotion for the job.
For two straight days I have done little else but sift through opinions regarding the financial meltdown, mainly the Alberta (real estate) Bubble Blog. And I listened to talk radio.
I stared at the screen for a good five minutes as my browser rested on the the last entry in the ongoing speculative debate:
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The Dudes

The Dudes rock the Dudes, man. If you haven't heard Calgary's quartet's flagship song, "Dropkick Queen of the Weekend", check it out, Dude. They've always been one of my favorite bands of all time as they're so far out, man.
I love their romantic themes - and their sonic mastery... see them live to know for yourself of what I speak. Brilliant players, the Dude's repetoire is what I would call, 'progressive contemporary', as I once I dubbed them, "a cross between Sonic Youth and Sloan." as they really do seem to take great effort in honing their live sound, and their recordings are top notch.
Dan really does have a uniquely cool voice, and radical lyrics. I am in fact listening to their music, compliments of their web site-
True rock inventiveness and prowess, and a mastery of riffery coupled with an outstanding ability to arrange intriguingly unique musical arrangements in the key of rock. I've witnessed the Dudes live; pulling off wickedly complex, refreshingly melodic and articulately contrived two-part electric guitar solos played through really loud and craftily amplified, boner intensifying, nerve wracking distortion.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Silencing "Lamb of God" begets Serenity

Recently, while visiting upstairs at a neighbour's place, the host popped in a Lamb of God music video DVD. Sitting there with their little dog and cat, my neighbour's neice, his sister, and their friend, it occured to me that the end is neigh. Hopefully it was not a premonitory notion induced by my sconed-out state from all the paint fumes I've been inhaling at work over the past month and a half.
I didn't seem to mind it being on so much while the TV's volume was turned low, and could easily tune out the grinding metal madness while conversation could still take place at a reasonable level. Excuses to leave began running through my mind, however, the minute my host cranked up the level of these cringe inducing sound makers - these modern day demon-lords. But the footage held me fast as what it appeared I was witnessing in Lamb of God's live outdoor concert footage in England, was a glimpse of the preliminaries to the Apocalypse. What seemed a half a million people were pumping their fists to the infernal and (what seemed purposefully) unintelligible screaming of some writhing, facial contorting demon-man and his clockwork band of long bearded, zombiefied metalbillies. Their fans apparently like this and I couldn't help but be reminded of a certain J.W. religious pamphlet once presented to me on a Saturday morning. On the cover was an artist's conception of the end times. People in nice buttoning dress shits and slacks, pastel dresses and clean hair, lounged around in some oasis that was protected by an impenitrable dome that shielded them from the throngs of head and wristband wearing folks desperate to be included now that God's wrath was upon them.
Granted their playing is complex, precise, metronomic and from a technical point of view, I might even be inclined to congratulate them for being at the pinnacle of the genre and all, but really, they can't seem to help but thoroughly irritate me both sonically and visually. I could never willfully listen to them and I think that their sound could not be anything but the contrivance of some evil force personified. Bleachhh.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Mars Rover Discovers New Evidence of Civilization on Red Planet
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Should Have Realized....
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Brittany, Ashley, Simone, Jessica, May
Jessica, May, Veronica
Kristin, Emily, Katrina
I don't know,
I don't know,
I don't know.
Courtenay, Keri, Natasha
Natalie, Victoria, Christina
Pamela, Georgina, Rebecca.
Gotta head out for a soda or maybe,
We could drive around for an hour or two?
Grab a donut, grab an ice cream.
Bring the scrabble board we'll have a coffee.
Take the wheel with your knee while you
Stretch your hands behind your head you
Can't wait 'till the next cantina.
Billy and Cathy will be expecting the two of you
to be Late as usual you know you are.
Start the engine, start the timer.
Can't wait 'till the next cantina.
How's the fuel now, I see no station.
No lights, no highway do you know where we are?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Stay tuned for more songs from my closet recording studio.
You may also download it in Windows Media format from my domain. Just click HERE.
Anyway, it was my first shot at using video editing software... and no source video at my disposal, either. Just a collection of original photographic content and some tricky, laborious techniques using primarily the Microsoft Paint program.
As for the song, I recorded it in one live take on June 7, 2008 on a battery operated SONY cassette unit.
The Harmonica is provided by Your's Truly, played through a Honer Key of 'C' Blues Harp.
Index of /moremoreenough
Name Last modified Size Description
yuletide_jenga2008co..> 07-Jun-2008 19:08 1.5M"
I know, I know. Just a quick diddy I arrived at. Remember, I'm only greasin' the wheels, mates.
So I've been putting in some time with the ol' computer machine, and I must say that Windows Movie Maker for Windows Vista is, from my own perspective as a novice editor and first time user, simply amazing and fairly intuitive.
I was rather impressed by the capacity of Microsoft's latest (for me anyhow) video producing software. Windows Movie Maker provides a host of effects and functions... my point being is that I found it fairly painless to throw together a decently interesting slide show with some improvisational effects via Microsoft Paint and other programs.
The music video is nearing completion, and destined to be a only concern now is the actual transference of sound into data with as little qualitative degradation as possible. I think I'll keep it down to a simple live take and maybe ping-pong harmonica and tambourine tracks before mastering it.
I'm minimizing the amount of equipment being used, as I hope for the song itself to come through. Is the slideshow well suited? I'll soon see. With any luck, it should be finished and available by eight o'clock.
That being said, I've been running into some software difficulties lately... Freeware is the culprit in this case, and I've been recently noticing quirky changes to the operating system. Obviously I'm no expert in this arena... modern PCs are so virtually vast now-a-days with the World Wide Web and all.
Anyway, prior to the release of my new slideshow music video, I thought that I'd grease the wheels a bit and upload a simple '.wav' file by the name of Yuletide Jenga. It's now freely available in my ISP account's humble DOMAIN.
The rock band I play in is called 'Moremore ENOUGH', I should admit that the title was inspired by the group Hot Hot Heat - EDMONTON BASED?
Friday, June 6, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
High Voltage Justice
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Can't Wait to go to Mars

Haven't you always wanted to go to the Planet Mars? Could it be that there are already humans or humanoid beings inhabiting the Red Planet on secret bases or in Martian dwellings?
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Blue Days, Black Nights
I realize the distorted level, but it does provide for a gritty feel...and keep in mind it was a single live take with minimal equipment.
Please accept my apology for omitting the second verse: the urgency to make sure everything would work distracted my attention. But here it is.
As played and sung by none other than the exceptional, Blake R. Mathews.
This is my first attempt at copying a tape recording onto my computer machine.
I recorded this using a Roland RE-201, a JVC Cassette recording deck, the Fender F-95 Acoustic pictured below, and an AKG microphone.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Another posting for all both of my ardent followers.
As the title suggests, this posting will adhere to the usual neglect of congruency, and, in its seeming abstractness, will ensue to.....
Enough. Allow me to disclose to you, reader, a tid-bit or two 'bout the man behind this blog.
Before subscribing to ADSL internet, my home computing experience was limited to: playing Sid Meier's Civilization III; Purusing the "CD-Interactive" Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia; and capitalizing upon all the perks of MS-Windows 98 galloping across the Pentium II Plateau spanning my reliable and yet, inherited computer machine. I suppose that a computer entirely isolated from the internet is immune from outLANdish threats.
I still have the PentiumII and hope to one day outfit her with some new A/V hardware to use in conjunction with my haphazard, gonzo-engineered home studio.
Before you label me a Luddite, might I divulge a glimpse to you- oh worthy reader- a cascade of menangeraqualified renditions of life and the exquisitudinous extensorial bibliographicisms.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Raking Rossdale
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Sharp Divide

Where is this? You tell me.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Snapshots appearing on this site and it's sister sites were shot with an FE Camera by the Nikon company - the Camera is an '86 or so model year - I'm too lazy to confirm it right now.
Any original snapshots that you find on this site (which is most of them) were taken by the FE over the last few years.
Considering that the development phase of film photography is at least half of the art form, I should admit that I surrendered the printing of my snapshots to various practitioners including Carousel Photos on Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alta., and an outfit in Calgary, Alta. across from a place called the Weed's Cafe.
But alas, a boring picture and a badly taken snap are just that, regardless of the level of the developer's expertise.
This all reminds me of a post card sized book filled up with fairly sturdy post card sized pages upon which you'll find a wealth of reproductions of actual post cards. I picked it up one afternoon at a Chapters bookseller of all places. It's entitled "Boring Postcards", a collection of which is what it is.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
One Year`s Growth

Win Brownie Points by Sprucing up Charts for your Boss
Ever wonder if your workjob`s job boss has been in a sour mood lately as a result of viewing too many bland, lame-o charts and graphs embedded in e-mails and other documents?
Instructions to enliven assignments that require a chart or graph.
1. Select and Copy the chart/graph
2. Paste chart into a painting or graphics program
3. Paint chart using graphics program
4. Voila